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63 Measuring Calories. LIMITED LICENSE TO MODIFY. These PowerPoint® slides may be modified only by teachers currently teaching the SEPUP course to customize.

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1 63 Measuring Calories

2 LIMITED LICENSE TO MODIFY. These PowerPoint® slides may be modified only by teachers currently teaching the SEPUP course to customize the unit to match their students’ learning levels or to insert additional teaching aides. Modified slides may be used only by the modifying teacher in his or her classroom, or shared with other teachers of SEPUP within the teacher’s school district, with these same restrictions. Modified slides may not be taken out of the classroom or distributed to any non-student person or organization. Except for use with students in the classroom, modified slides may not be published in printed or electronic form, including posting on the Internet. Only text may be modified: photographs and illustrations on the slides may not be modified in any way except to change their size. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA (“University”) MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. University will not be liable for any costs, damages, fees or other liability, nor for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including lost profits) with respect to any claims by the purchaser or user of SEPUP or any third party on account of or arising from the use or modifications to the slides. Client acknowledges and accepts that University services are provided on an as-is basis. Copyright © 2015 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Header photo: Sam Howzit | Flickr Creative Commons Slide Design: Shaun Wegscheid | Fonts: Arial, Kalinga Title slide photo: Jean Scheijen |

3 63 Measuring Calories Key Vocabulary calorimeter calorie Calorie endothermic exothermic

4 63 Measuring Calories Watch the teacher demonstration Where did the light energy come from? Record your ideas in your notebook.

5 63 Measuring Calories What are some other chemical changes that release energy? Share your ideas with the class.

6 63 Measuring Calories Look at the nut Does the nut have any potential energy? Discuss your thoughts with the class.

7 63 Measuring Calories How can we release and measure this stored energy from the nut? Share your thoughts with the class.

8 63 Measuring Calories Read the introduction and look for key ideas

9 63 Measuring Calories How many Calories are in a nut?

10 63 Measuring Calories Safety Be sure to wear safety goggles during this investigation. Long hair must be tied back, and loose sleeves rolled up. If anything besides the nut starts to burn, inform your teacher immediately. Be especially careful not to get clothing or your hair near the flame. Make sure to keep a cup of water close by the experiment as a fire- safety precaution. Notify your teacher if you are allergic to nuts. The can may become quite hot. Carefully follow all instructions from your teacher.

11 63 Measuring Calories Complete the procedure Calculate, in calories, the amount of heat energy the water gained by using this formula: energy released (calories) = temperature change of water (°C) x mass of water (g)

12 63 Measuring Calories Share your results with the class What can account for the lower value in your results? Share your thoughts with the class.

13 63 Measuring Calories Analysis question 1 How many Calories were in your nut? Show your calculation.

14 63 Measuring Calories Analysis question 2 Explain, in terms of energy transfer and transformation, what caused the temperature of the water to change.

15 63 Measuring Calories Analysis question 3 Was all of the energy from the burning nut transferred to the water? If not, explain what happened to the energy that was not transferred to the water.

16 63 Measuring Calories Analysis question 4 How would you improve the design of this calorimeter so that it would work better? a. Draw a detailed, labeled diagram of your improved calorimeter. Be sure that you could build it yourself, if you had the materials. b. Explain why your design is better than the one you used.

17 63 Measuring Calories Analysis question 5 If you burned a puffed cheese snack of the same size as the nut, would you get the same result? Why or why not?

18 63 Measuring Calories Analysis question 6 A curious student wanted to know if the calorimeter would work with different amounts of water. The table below shows the results from her burning three nuts of the same type and mass, but using varied amounts of water in the can. Explain from the table below whether the calorimeter measured the energy in the nut properly when used with each amount of water.

19 63 Measuring Calories SCORING GUIDE: Analyzing Data

20 63 Measuring Calories How many Calories are in a nut?

21 63 Measuring Calories Key vocabulary definitions Calorimeter - A device that measures the amount of chemical potential energy in a material. calorie - A measure (unit) of heat energy. Specifically, it is the amount of energy needed to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius.

22 63 Measuring Calories Key vocabulary definitions Calorie – 1,000 calories. Endothermic - A chemical reaction characterized by the absorption of heat. Exothermic - A chemical reaction characterized by the production and release of heat. See endothermic reaction.

23 63 Measuring Calories Experiment With your teacher’s permission, measure the temperature change caused by burning a marshmallow or a puffed cheese snack.

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