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Nationalism in Africa and the Middle East p. 394.

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1 Nationalism in Africa and the Middle East p. 394

2 Resistance Reborn World War I weakened the imperialists This encouraged colonial nationalists in Africa, West Asia, and the rest of the world.

3 EC: Africans had many reasons to resent the Europeans (5) Much land was used for export cash crops instead food –Caused famines for local people What little money Africans were paid was reduced by imperialist taxes and high food prices. Africans forced by Whites off the best land –(Kenya, Rhodesia) Local African landowners were not allowed to grow the money-making crops. Europeans controlled African movement by forcing them to carry pass-books –In many colonies Africans were forbidden to go where Whites lived/worked without permission.

4 Increased African Resistance EC: Western-educated Africans learned how to protest against the imperialists. (3) –They used technology (printing, audio/film recording) to reach the European and American media and publics. –They argued that Woodrow Wilson’s idea of self- determination was a right of all peoples of the world. –Using the international media, they found growing support in the Western nations among liberals and anti-imperialists.

5 Apartheid: Formal legal system enforcing segregation of Blacks in South Africa (1948)

6 Pan-Africanism: A Black nationalist movement that began in North America and spread back to Africa. Two Americans promoted it: (2) –Marcus Garvey: Africa for Africans; “Back to Africa” movement. He believed that Whites would never allow Africans to be equal and that Africans had to regain their control of Africa. –W.E.B. Dubois: Also believed in promotion of Black rights. He believed that Blacks had to demand their rights from White governments, and, eventually, their own lands. Dubois organized the Pan-African Congress, in 1919. American and African delegates composed a charter of rights. –White powers ignored them, but the movement continued to grow.

7 Negritude movement: Began with French-speaking Blacks in the Caribbean and West Africa. –They wrote of pride in being African. –They criticized White Imperialism –They demanded rights and self-determination for all Africans. –EC: One significant spokesman, in Senegal, was ….. Leopold Senghor,

8 Egypt Britain gave Egypt independence, in 1922, but continued to influence its government. EC Anti-British Egyptians formed the _______________ –Muslim Brotherhood Its purpose was to: (2) –resist British culture in Egypt –oppose corruption in the Egyptian government.

9 The Turkish Republic. Asia Minor: The peninsula where modern Turkey is. EC: The Sultan was humiliated by the Treaty of Sevres, 1919: (2) –Land taken by Allies –Greece attempted to take more lands _____________, a WWI hero, led an overthrow of the Sultan: Mustafa Kemal,

10 Kemal The first president of the Turkish Republic Stopped the Greek invasion. –Agreed to remove 1.3 million Greeks and 400,000 Turks from disputed lands. Turks called him “Ataturk” –father of the Turks, –He began many reforms that modernized Turkey and made it self-reliant:

11 EC: Ataturk’s Reformed Turkey Replaced Islamic traditions with Western ones. (3) –Laws –Education –Government Expanded industrial infrastructure: (3) –Railroads –Factories –Industrial and financial advisors from the West Made Turkey economically independent. Turkish Muslim traditionalists will hate and resist him for reducing the influence of Islam in Turkish society.

12 Pan-Arabism: The growing movement, after WW I, in the Middle East to unite all Arabs from West Asia to North Africa, –to free those under Western rule, –to protect themselves from Western take-over and exploitation. EC: This area includes: (8) –Syria, –Jordan, –Iraq, –Egypt, –Algeria, –Tunisia –Morocco –Libya

13 Anger at the West The betrayal of Arabs at the Paris Peace Conference infuriated Arab nationalists. –No freedom and lands for helping the Allies win WWI, as promised. –“mandates”: –Many Arabs were taken over by the French and British as part of the Versailles and other treaties for “protection”. In the Middle East, who got what? Britain: (3) –Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Iraq France: (2) –Lebanon, Syria Many in the Middle East still resent and distrust the West.

14 Palestine/Israel Balfour Declaration: Agreement between Britain and Zionists, (Jewish nationalists) 1917: –Jews in Central Power nations would work to sabotage the war efforts of Germany and Austria-Hungary –Britain would give Jews a homeland in Palestine (biblically called “Israel”)

15 EC: Reasons for the Jewish-Arab conflict in Palestine after WWI: (3) Arabs losing lands to Jews rapidly Religious differences between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity Extremists began attacks –Arabs on Jewish settlers to slow down immigration drive Jews out –Jews retaliate against Arabs to protect themselves

16 EC: White Rule: Southern Africa South Africa built a brutally repressive system of segregation of Blacks. –They based their laws on _____________________ philosophy –Social Darwinist –They also copied many _____________ laws from the United States. –“Jim Crow”

17 White Rule: Southern Africa It meant secure White economic, political, and social control. EC: What were some ways it was practiced? (5) –Better-paying mine jobs for Whites only –Blacks controlled by pass-books Police strictly enforced rules on Blacks –Blacks forced to live in “townships”, organized like native- American reservations in US. Worst land Curfews –Torture, arrest, jail for Blacks if laws broken –Black voting rights removed in 1936 –Black political parties outlawed African National Congress (ANC) continued to work underground –Many members arrested and mistreated –African Christian churches were one way Blacks could speak out.

18 6, Image, 395 Why do you think that the white people have forced the African people behind a barbed wire fence? To forcefully ensure segregation of Blacks from Whites. –White South Africans set up systems to give them economic and social control –They would be the only ones to benefit.

19 Standards Check, p. 395 In what ways did colonial powers try to control African life? The colonizers set up economic and political systems that benefitted mainly themselves.

20 Thinking Critically, 396-7 Questions 1 How did the methods of the ANC in South Africadiffer from the Wafd party in Egypt The African National Congress protested legally –It sought to reform specific laws. The Wafd Party protested violently with strikes and riots. 2 Why is it important to learn about early protest movements in Africa, despite the fact that most colonies did not gain independence until after WWII? It shows that different African peoples had been working for independence from the imperialists for many decades before they were finally granted it.

21 Standards Check, p. 397 What significance does the phrase “Africa for Africans” have? Encourage nationalism End colonial rule Unite Africans in their desire for independence.

22 Biography, 398 Why is Ataturk considered the “Father of the Turks”? Because he led the fight to start the Turkish Republic and modernized it.

23 Persia (Iran) In 1925, ___________ takes control of Persia, becoming the “Shah” (emperor). –Reza Khan, –Britain still had strong influence over him: EC: He also modernized Persia (2) –More concessions from British oil companies –More Iranians hired in more powerful economic and government positions. EC: He made strict anti-Islam rules as __________ did in Turkey. –Kemal This will anger Shi’ite Muslims, Iranian secret police will arrest many for the next few decades. EC: Petroleum drew more Western oil companies to the Middle East. Especially from ….. –the United States. –The oil companies were powerful enough to have their governments force Iran and others to cooperate.

24 Standards Check, p. 398 What did the reforms of Ataturk and Reza have in common? Focused on modernizing industry and transportation Secularizing schools Westernizing culture

25 Map Skills, 399 Questions 2 What natural resource was discovered in the Middle East around this time? What effect did it have on the region? Petroleum (oil) The discovery of oil caused foreign companies to begin moving to the Middle East to exploit the resource. –The oil companies used their governments to force Arab nations to cooperate. 3 List the ways foreign influence affected the Middle East in the 1920’s? Britain controlled Palestine, Iraq, and Transjordan France controlled Syria

26 Arab-Israeli Conflict Begins Britain won control of Palestine from ___________ Turkey –They began to allow Jewish-European migrants into Palestine. The British promised to protect the rights of “existing non-Jewish communities”, –Palestinian Arabs were often forced to relocate to make room for Jews moving in. –Jewish groups were able to raise large funds and buy more land, even buy out Arabs.

27 EC: Why were many Jews so anxious to leave Europe? (3) Pogroms –Growing expulsions in Eastern Europe— Russian Czar ordered millions of Jews out of Russia Growing violence and killings of Jews in Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Anti-Semitism across Europe…. –Anti-Semitic speeches and literature in many European nations advocating: Violence Destruction Confiscation of Jewish property and religious sites.

28 Standards Check, p. 400 Why did Palestine become a conflict after World War I? The Balfour Declaration….. –Britain supported a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Jews began immigrating –Palestinian Arabs were denied independence by Britain They began losing land to Jews.

29 Quick Write How did the end of WWI lead to tensions in the Middle east? Relate these tensions to modern issues in the same reason.

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