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 starter activity There has been a crime. These objects have been found: bullets, a beer mug, and a copy of Mein Kampf.

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity There has been a crime. These objects have been found: bullets, a beer mug, and a copy of Mein Kampf."— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity There has been a crime. These objects have been found: bullets, a beer mug, and a copy of Mein Kampf

2 Was the Munich Putsch a success or a failure? To investigate the reasons why the Munich Putsch failed and its impact on the rise of the Nazi Party  Aims

3  Your task Read p.38 (left-hand column) and notes down the reasons why Hitler & the Nazis thought the Munich Putsch might be a success. Read p.38 (left-hand column) and notes down the reasons why Hitler & the Nazis thought the Munich Putsch might be a success.

4 Reasons to expect success Support for the party growing (although only 3000 members by 1923) Support for the party growing (although only 3000 members by 1923) Support of the army, esp. Ludendorff Support of the army, esp. Ludendorff Support of Bavarian state government (right- wing), leaders were opposed to Weimar Support of Bavarian state government (right- wing), leaders were opposed to Weimar Why was the support of this man (Ludendorff) so important?


6  Your task Listen to the two accounts. One is by Karl von Műller, an historian who was at the meeting, the second from a history book published in 1959 written by William L.Shirer Listen to the two accounts. One is by Karl von Műller, an historian who was at the meeting, the second from a history book published in 1959 written by William L.Shirer How and why do the accounts differ? How and why do the accounts differ?

7  Your task Read p.41-3 and complete the scales chart your teacher gives you, recording evidence of successes on one side and failures or problems on the other. Read p.41-3 and complete the scales chart your teacher gives you, recording evidence of successes on one side and failures or problems on the other. Spot Hitler! What does this tell us about his importance in the party at this stage?

8 Plenary Plenary Overall do you think the Munich Putsch was a success or a failure? Complete the judgement box Overall do you think the Munich Putsch was a success or a failure? Complete the judgement box

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