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Žilinská inovačná politika– ZIP Zilina Innovation Policy Milan Dado Žilinská univerzita.

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Presentation on theme: "Žilinská inovačná politika– ZIP Zilina Innovation Policy Milan Dado Žilinská univerzita."— Presentation transcript:

1 Žilinská inovačná politika– ZIP Zilina Innovation Policy Milan Dado Žilinská univerzita

2 Overall objectives of ZIP  To identify the needs of regional firms and to map the innovation potential of the Zilina region in comparison with development of mega-trends across Europe and the world for the following next ten years

3 Overall objectives of ZIP  To establish effective interfaces and linkages between the research base, university and high-tech production (technology and knowledge transfer)

4 Overall objectives of ZIP  To define strategic framework and priority actions for key business sectors in the region and to develop an Innovation Policy action plan for the Zilina region (ZIP), taking into account the EC Research and Innovation Work Programme, the National Development Plan of the Slovak Republic and the Plan of the Economical and Social Development of the Zilina Region

5 Overall objectives of ZIP  Link the ZIP pilot projects with priorities supported by the EU funds to secure a synergy of the strategy with the European Structural Funds through national operational programmes.

6 Overall objectives of ZIP  To build up mechanisms for the support of strategic development trends:  To communicate with the decision-makers at the EU, Slovak Republic, Region (VUC), cities and sub-regions levels,  To build up “EUROZIP FORUM” of principal actors of the innovation development as the partnership that will allow the transfer of experience from partner European regions previously involved in RIS/RITTS projects and that will contribute to promotion of business activities between the regions;

7 Overall objectives of ZIP  To define and implement a set of pilot projects, based on the strategy set up in the ZIP action plan, that might include:

8 Overall objectives of ZIP  Creation of regional innovative alliances for the support of innovative initiatives in clusters identified within the key regional business sectors with a view to develop innovation culture in Zilina and neighboring region

9 Overall objectives of ZIP  Creation of Governmental, Industry, Educational and Research networks for the support and implementation of innovation strategies;

10 Overall objectives of ZIP  Building up an interactive “innovation” WEB portal – EUROZIP VIC (EUROZIP Virtual Information Centre) to facilitate “idea management’ and to accelerate the knowledge management (databases, reference library, contacts, virtual stock- market of technologies, virtual interactive conferences, virtual guidance on European business support services, legislative, etc.).

11 In addition to these overall objectives, some other more specific and measurable objectives need to be mentioned

12 More High Performing Companies  More growth companies operating in all sectors.  More World Class companies with strong regional supply chain links.  More companies taking advantage of IT opportunities, EDI, Internet etc.  More companies encouraged to support young innovative and creative people.

13 Easier Access to Knowledge/Expertise  Easier access for business to the region’s knowledge base.  Support for regional centres of excellence and expertise.  Appropriate training provision at all levels.

14 Improved Support for Companies:  Improved access to finance.  Sector Support provision linked closely to business needs.  Funding programmes targeted on strategic needs and business requirements.  Training schemes which produce people with the skills required by business.

15 ZIP project consortium involves four partners:  University of Zilina - representing the Self- Governing Region of Zilina,  Region of Lower Austria - European region of excellence,  Region Södermanland, Sweden and  BIC Bratislava - representing Slovak Innovation Relay Centre (IRC Slovakia). Project

16 Letters of Intention from the following companies:  Foundation of the 21st Century (Nadacia 21. storocia): Ing. Milena Prekopová  City of Zilina (mesto Zilina), Ing. Ján Slota  Science and Technology Park Zilina (Vedecko-technologicky park Zilina): prof. Jan Corej  Common Municipal Office for the Regional Development at the Local Municipality in Liptovsky Mikulas (Spolocny obecny urad pre regionalny rozvoj pri MU v Liptovskom Mikulasi - RNDr. Terekova, MUDr. Slafkovsky)  Transport Research Institute in Zilina (Vyskumny ustav dopravny v Ziline): Ing. Palcak  Research Institute for Dairy-Farming (Vyskumny ustav mliekarensky, a.s.): Ing. Karol Herian, CSc.  Research Institute for Textile Chemie (Vyskumny ustav textilnej chemie - CHEMITEX s.r.o.): Ing. Sestak  Slovak Centre of Productivity (Slovenske centrum produktivity): prof. Gregor  Region Beskydy (Region Beskydy): Ing. Rejda  Development Agency of the Zilna self-governing Region (Rozvojova agentura ZSK): Ing. Broncek  PRO-ORAVA (Development agency), Mr. Jackulik

17 Project will be supervised by the Steering Committee created from all key regional actors in the field of innovation.

18 ŽilinaŽUŽSKInnoFirmy CASA ZINA regionálne združenie – konsenzus združenie hnuteľného, nehnuteľného, finančného majetku združenie personálnych kapacít ZINA LABS laboratóriá výskum ZINA INVEST kapitál ZINA VALO manažment inovácií Vzdelávanie - univerzita - tréning - priemysel Výskum a vývoj - aplikovaný - prototypy Marketing - semináre - konferencie - výstavy - show-room Zariadenia - priestory - vybavenie - služby

19 Ďakujem Vám za pozornosť

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