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Your Federal Advisory Committee Kirk Foster FMCSA Office of The Chief Counsel 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Federal Advisory Committee Kirk Foster FMCSA Office of The Chief Counsel 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Federal Advisory Committee Kirk Foster FMCSA Office of The Chief Counsel 2014

2 Guidance for You Federal Advisory Committee Act (1972) – Public Law 92-463, Federal Statute 5 U.S.C. App. 1 DOT Order 1120.3B (1993) Your Advisory Committee Charter My job is to know this guidance and help you and the FMCSA apply it

3 The Basics You Represent A Particular Group –Speak for your Constituent You’re Not Government Employees –E.g., Executive Branch Ethics Code Doesn’t Apply

4 Meetings Convened and Set by your FMCSA Official Advertise the meeting at least 15 days out Normally located in Washington DC Mostly open to the public –But parts of / all of a meeting could be closed: Request it at least 30 days in advance, in writing Give the reason(s) The public can ask to see the written request Still have to report general nature of the meeting Accommodate the public –Seating, Written statements, Addressing the Committee Minutes are Kept –A complete record, certified by the FMCSA

5 Prohibited Data Trade Secrets/Commercial or Financial Information –This is Exemption 4 of the FOIA Personal Information the Disclosure of Which Would Be A Clearly Unwarranted Invasion of Personal Privacy –This is Exemption 6 of the FOIA Personal Information Can Be Discussed, but know if the Privacy Act applies Ask FMCSA for Legal Guidance When in Doubt

6 Your Committee on the Worldwide Web, hosted by the General Services Administration –General information –Committee meetings history, membership list, reports –Subcommittee information –Charters –FAQs –Performance measures and statistics http://www.fmcsa, Corrections & updates

7 For Committee / FMCSA Guidance on the Guidance Discussed Here: Go through your FMCSA Official And FMCSA attorneys can also help… My Contact Info: Kirk Foster, MC-CCG X6-2013

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