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Jet Validation Kittikul Kovitanggoon*, Chiyoung Jeog, Sung-Won Lee Texas Tech University 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Jet Validation Kittikul Kovitanggoon*, Chiyoung Jeog, Sung-Won Lee Texas Tech University 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jet Validation Kittikul Kovitanggoon*, Chiyoung Jeog, Sung-Won Lee Texas Tech University 1

2 Jet Collections 2

3 Jet Collections with Algorithms Icone5 Calo Jets Icone5 Pflow Kt4 Calo Jets Kt6 Calo Jets AntiKt5 Calo Jets AntiKt5 JPT AntiKt5 PFlow AntiKt7 Calo Jets 3

4 Histograms to Validate Jet energy Jet Momentum Jet pT - Jet pT scale Jet Mass Jet η and φ Em Energy Had energy HF Gen Jet - pT, η,and φ Miscellaneous - Leading Jet Energy and pT - Had and Em timing - Dijet Mass L2L3 Corrected Jets pT in AK jets - pT ratio wrt η - pT ratio wrt pT 4

5 5 Validation Procedures After the MC RelVals for new version of CMSSW are released and posted on HN. We pick up the jet datasets like QCD and TTbar to be run on our validation module. We compare the histograms between new version and previous version. If no discrepancy is indicated, we report this version pass. If discrepancy is indicated, we ask the experts what causes this discrepancy. The validation result can be found at

6 Histograms The black dot histogram is for new release. Red line filled histogram is for reference. 6 Jet EnergyEm energy Fraction of Jets

7 Histograms Corrected jets The black dot histogram is for new release. Red line filled histogram is for reference. 7 Corrected jet pTCorrected jet pT ratio

8 Jet Validation in Winter 2010 CMSSW ReleaseValidation status 3_11_0_pre5 64 bit wrt 32 bitPass 3_11_0_pre5 64 bitPass HF timing is changed (Fullsim) HF response improve (Fastsim) 3_10_1Pass HF timing is changed (Fullsim) HF response improve (Fastsim) 3_11_0Pass 4_1_0_pre1Pass 4_1_0_pre2Pass 4_2_0_pre1Pass 8

9 Jet Validation in Winter 2010 CMSSW ReleaseValidation status 4_2_0_pre2Pass 4_2_0_pre4Pass EE SR threshold changes(Fullsim) 3_11_1Pass 4_2_0_pre5Pass 4_2_0_pre6Pass new HCAL MC calibration (Full and Fast) 4_2_0_pre6 HCALPass Confirmed the result HCAL calibration changes 9

10 3_11_0_ pre5 64 bit and 3_10_1 Time phase and Reco: 4TS->2TS so that the soft part of spectra (noise) and entire HF timing is changed. HF response improve wrt 3110pre3 10 Full Sim HF timing is changed Fast Sim HF response improve

11 4_2_0_pre4 11 The change is expected due to the changes in the EE SR threshold settings.

12 4_2_0_ pre6 and 4_2_0_pre6 wrt HCAL 12 There is a substantial effect of SamplingFactors (Digi) and to smaller extent of HcalRespCorrs (Reco) on the HCAL energy scale. HE and HB/HE gap increase is more pronounced than HB one, HF is not affected. 4_2_0_pre6 wrt 420pre5 4_2_0_pre6 wrt HCAL dataset

13 13 JetMET Data validation We currently look at DQM plots created centrally and posted on DQM GUI This validation using RelVal_run2010B dataset (previous valskim) for this validation We do this validation for every new CMSSW version after MC RelVal validation The black line histogram is for new release. The filled histogram is for reference.

14 JetMET Data validation 14 CMSSW ReleaseValidation status 3_9_7Pass 3_11_0_pre2Pass 3_11_0_pre3Pass 3_11_0_pre5 64 bit wrt 32 bitPass 3_11_0_pre5 64 bitPass 3_10_1Pass

15 Conclusion and Plans Jet Validation is moving smoothly. We added corrected jets for AK jets. Implementing our new validation module to the central DQM sequence. 15

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