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Highly Qualified Teachers Who will be designated as HQT? What criteria will be used? When must districts be in compliance? Where will HQT be reported?

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Presentation on theme: "Highly Qualified Teachers Who will be designated as HQT? What criteria will be used? When must districts be in compliance? Where will HQT be reported?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Highly Qualified Teachers Who will be designated as HQT? What criteria will be used? When must districts be in compliance? Where will HQT be reported? Why is it required? How will it impact Ohio educators?

2 Who Will Be Designated As HQT? PreK-12 Teachers in the following Core Academic Subjects: English Civics & Government Reading Economics Language Arts History Mathematics Geography Science Foreign Languages Arts (music, visual arts, dance & drama)

3 What Criteria Will Be Used? In Ohio, teachers can meet the federal HQT definition in two ways: (1)Fulfill qualifications designated on the HQT Worksheet; (2) Achieve 100 points on the HQT Rubric.

4 Compliance Distinctions Ohio Department of Education Report = ALL teachers who teach the core academic subjects (Federal definition) Parent Report (Letter) = ONLY for teachers in Title I School Wide & Targeted Assistance Buildings

5 Where Will It Be Reported? EMIS and ODE ALL teachers of core academic subjects will complete the HQT Worksheet summary page and submit it to their building principal. Principals will confirm the data and forward it to their district’s EMIS coordinator for inclusion in the October report to ODE. Districts will have the opportunity to modify the HQT information by April.

6 How Will It Impact Educators? Teachers participating in the approved Ohio Alternative Licensure program are to be reported as being highly qualified. Holders of Temporary, Conditional or Long-term Substitute credentials do not meet the HQT definition.

7 How Will It Impact Educators? (cont.) Special education teachers and intervention specialists who hold state certification in their teaching area will be counted as highly qualified in the October 2003 EMIS report. However, upon reauthorization of IDEA, new guidelines may be established.

8 HQT Worksheet

9 Categories for EMIS Submission State Examination (Praxis II/NTE) Academic Major or 30 hours in content area Master’s Degree K-12 Special Education Certificate Professional Certificate Permanent Certificate National Board Certification Ohio HQT Rubric 90 Clock Hours (IPDP)

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