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What do you believe are some of the most important events in human history? How is the Resurrection different from these other events? What makes Jesus’

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2 What do you believe are some of the most important events in human history? How is the Resurrection different from these other events? What makes Jesus’ Resurrection such a significant event?

3 No event in human history has had more impact on the world than the resurrection of Jesus. Had there been a body in the tomb when the disciples arrived, everything would be different. The Resurrection changes everything.

4 From Misery to Mission John 20:1-31 family theme: The Resurrected Savior family theme: The Resurrected Savior

5 Know: Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His followers. Think: Remember that we serve a risen Savior who is coming back to get us. Do: Rejoice in your risen Savior and take His message to the world. Objectives:


7 Jesus’ Resurrection Changed Despair to Excitement John 20:1-18

8 Jesus’ Resurrection Changed to Despair to Excitement This was the greatest news imaginable; the one that had been put to death was alive again. It was this simple truth that changed the course of mankind and offered hope to a fallen, hopeless world.

9 We rejoice about Christ’s Resurrection. What thoughts would have gone through your mind, if you, like Mary Magdalene, were one of the first to visit the empty tomb of Jesus? Why?

10 We rejoice about Christ’s Resurrection. Why can it be argued that the Resurrection was the most meaningful event in all of human history?

11 Jesus’ Resurrection Changed Fear to Mission John 20:19-23

12 Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead demonstrates that He is the sovereign Lord of all.

13 Jesus’ Resurrection Changed Fear to Mission The disciples were in a room with the doors locked, afraid. Jesus appeared in the room and informed them that He was sending them out to take the news about Him to the world.

14 Jesus sending His followers out with the good news shows us that God established the church to make disciples and transfer the faith.

15 We take the gospel fearlessly to all the world. What makes sharing the gospel with others so challenging? In what ways does the Resurrection affect our sharing the gospel?

16 Jesus’ Resurrection Changed Doubt to Belief John 20:24-31

17 Jesus’ Resurrection Changed Doubt to Belief The Lord pronounced a blessing on all those that would later believe without visible or tangible evidence. Thomas was blessed to believe, but those of us who believe without proof are even more blessed.

18 We trust and serve Christ, believing what is written about Him in God’s Word. How has Jesus reassured you that what the Bible says about Him is true?

19 We trust and serve Christ, believing what is written about Him in God’s Word. What do you believe to be the greatest obstacle(s) to people in our world accepting the teachings of the Scriptures?

20 We trust and serve Christ, believing what is written about Him in God’s Word. In what ways can believers today help eliminate those obstacles?

21 Why is the Resurrection of Christ essential to our salvation? How does Christ’s Resurrection set Christianity apart from every other religion?

22 Available for FREE download at Home Connection is a simple, downloadable page that gives parents: A weekly Bible passage to READ together as a family Suggestions to help them PRAY together as a family Suggested activities to DO to put their faith in action

23 Home Connection also provides the “take away” from each age level in D6 Curriculum. This way parents know what each family member is experiencing in his or her class. Download your free copy of Home Connection at


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