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Amanda D. Kimball Brennan Johnson Andrew Bennett Timothy Hardy Engineering Science Research Building.

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Presentation on theme: "Amanda D. Kimball Brennan Johnson Andrew Bennett Timothy Hardy Engineering Science Research Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amanda D. Kimball Brennan Johnson Andrew Bennett Timothy Hardy Engineering Science Research Building


3 Problem The Engineering Science and Research Building houses laboratories which require high ventilation air rates. 54,000 cubic feet per minute of outside air twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week to meet OSHA regulations. There are currently no systems installed to recover wasted energy that is released to the atmosphere after passing through the air conditioning system.

4 Solution The Advanced Heat Recovery Project seeks to design and install an air recovery system to decrease the amount of energy required to maintain OSHA requirements at the Engineering Science and Research Building. The heat recovery system will take advantage of a direct expansion heat pump which has the capability to recover more energy with greater efficiency than a traditional water-glycol system.


6 Project Capital Cost TurboCor TT400 Compressor$20,000-$25,000 Piping, vales, etc... (See attached parts list)$10,000 Electrical 150A, 3-phase, 460V feed from basement $15,000 Coils: $18,000 each for AHUs (2x) $9,000 each for exhaust units (4x) $72,000 Controls$15,000 Installation (i.e. internal labor rate for electricians is $28.00/hour) (Refrigeration ($42/hr, Mechanical, Electrical) $15,000 Initial Estimated Total: Requesting: $147,000-$152,000 $195,000

7 Return on Investment Assumptions: Heating Costs Savings$84,000 Cooling Costs Savings$20,000 Maintenance Budget$5,000 Capital Budget$195,000 Projected Annual Savings:$99,000 Expected Inflation2% Lifespan15 years Conclusions Payback Period1.97 years Annual Return on Invested Capital76% Net Present Value at 4.5% interest$894,000

8 Environmental Benefits Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ): CO2 is produced in the production of steam and electricity. COP of compressor leads to a reduction in emissions. Global Warming Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 ): High sulfur residual fuel oil emits SO 2. SO2 is a major cause of acid rain. Carbon DioxideSulfur Dioxide Annual Emissions Reduction 611.5 tons9.45 tons Current annual emissions to heat building air to 65°F 890 tons10.67 tons Percent Reduction at 65°F 69%85%

9 Advanced Compressor Technology


11 Intake Air Handlers Exhaust Air Handlers Compressor System ESRB Penthouse Mechanical Room Refrigerant Piping





16 Heat Pump Cooling Mode Currently cooled with a low COP (0.65) Glycol Absorber. Absorber sized for highest temperature conditions, cannot be throttled. Requires added heat in summer. Heat pump in cooling mode will cover most of the cooling needs of the building, at higher COP (6.0-12.0)

17 A heat pump would virtually eliminate the need for equipment such as this absorber…

18 …and this

19 Summary ROI: $99,000 per year for $195,000 investment. Environmental Benefits; reduced CO2 and SO2 emissions. Helps the University meet new emissions standards. Demonstrates best practice in building design.

20 To Paraphrase Tom Gocze You Install it Once $ But You Operate it For a Lifetime $$$$$$$$


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