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Angeline M. Barrett (University of Bristol) with Peter Kajoro (Aga Khan University) Noah Mtana (University of Dodoma) Kalafunja Osaki (University of Dodoma)

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Presentation on theme: "Angeline M. Barrett (University of Bristol) with Peter Kajoro (Aga Khan University) Noah Mtana (University of Dodoma) Kalafunja Osaki (University of Dodoma)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Angeline M. Barrett (University of Bristol) with Peter Kajoro (Aga Khan University) Noah Mtana (University of Dodoma) Kalafunja Osaki (University of Dodoma) Casmir Rubagumya (University of Dodoma) BAICE Conference, Power, politics & priorities for comparative and international education University of Bath, 8-10 September 2014

2 Partners University of Bristol Tanzania Institute of Education (Curriculum authority) University of Dodoma Aga Khan University, East Africa Campus

3 Define the term ‘pathogen’ Briefly explain why biologists classify living things Outline the differences between heterotrophic and autotrophic nutrition Define the term ‘pathogen’ Briefly explain why biologists classify living things Outline the differences between heterotrophic and autotrophic nutrition Form 1, collaborative writing. Question in Form 1 Biology textbook One day at the morning I was going to school. I saw a big rolly was coming. An old man was coming and weark outside in the road, suddenly rolly coming and accident that old man.

4 Secondary Education, Tanzania Community schools “English is the language of instruction that is why I used it. And I used Kiswahili so that they can understand me better.” (Mathematics teacher) English immersion policy. Bilingual classroom practice

5 Aspirations for the textbooks Language accessible & language supportive learning materials Appropriate to syllabus and ability of Form 1 Socio-culturally and ecologically relevant Representation Attractive, engaging


7 Relationship between Biology and Chemistry In Chemistry people study chemicals and how they are prepared. The study of Biology in relation to chemistry is called Biochemistry. Chemists use biology knowledge to make chemicals which are used by living organisms. These chemicals are medicine, insecticide, water treatment chemicals, toothpaste and cosmetics. Activity: Writing and talking activity In Kiswahili or English, write down the chemicals you know. Tell your friend in Kiswahili how these chemicals are made, and how they are used. Glossary chemicals medicine toothpaste insecticide cosmetics kemikali dawa dawa ya meno sumu ya kuua wadudu vipodozi


9 Students know many things but in Kiswahili. Mixing the two languages enables them to understand the concept better than when using the language they don’t know. (Biology teacher) Formalizing existing practice

10 Where we are now Capacity: Team at Univ. of Dodoma Politics: Who writes the textbooks? Textbook policy Mainstreaming? Language policy?

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