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Poetry Begins: Find your new seat on the chart. Fire up your Chromebooks. Unit Instructions Trashy Poetry Q1 survey and Q2 goals.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry Begins: Find your new seat on the chart. Fire up your Chromebooks. Unit Instructions Trashy Poetry Q1 survey and Q2 goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry Begins: Find your new seat on the chart. Fire up your Chromebooks. Unit Instructions Trashy Poetry Q1 survey and Q2 goals

2 New Google doc   Begin a new Google doc in your CW folder and name it "WNB Poetry Unit.“   Make sure to name it exactly right.   Make sure it is in your Creative Writing folder that is shared with me.   Make sure I have “edit” rights.   Poetry Unit Instructions: Go to my website   Poetry Unit Instructions Poetry Unit Instructions

3 Poetry rough drafts and peer reviews   Create a Google document inside your Creative Writing folder and name it “Poems Rough.”   Three poems – on this document - must be completed and ready for peer review by November 13.

4 Trashy Poetry Purpose: To improve word choice in writing Please close your Chromebooks.

5 Shel Silverstein  “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout”  Choral Reading  In pods: Discuss word choice and the selection of powerful and juicy adjectives that create pictures in the reader’s mind

6 Silverstein reads…  Sit back and enjoy…  Z5ygXw Z5ygXw Z5ygXw


8 Your Trash List  AW #12: Create a poem using your list of trash items. Follow your own form or use the Silverstein model  Illustrate as desired  My sample  For up to 15 pts. extra credit -- Type up your poem and illustrate it in color or decorate in some creative way to hang on the bulletin board. Due Monday.

9 Q1 Survey and Q2 Goals  Go to my website and click on today’s plans and assignments.    Creative Writing plans and assignments fall 2013 Creative Writing plans and assignments fall 2013   Click here for current week. Click here for current week.   Thursday, 10-24: Find the link and directions.

10 Workshop time: All due Monday.  Complete survey.  Write goals.  Work on trash poem AW #12.

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