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Sexuality QueerAsexualPansexualLesbianDemisexualHomosexualBisexualGayStraightHeterosexual.

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2 Sexuality QueerAsexualPansexualLesbianDemisexualHomosexualBisexualGayStraightHeterosexual

3 Highlight the words you know in green. Write down the definitions Highlight the words you have heard but don’t know the definitions in orange Highlight the words you have never heard in red

4 Attracted to people of the same gender. Attracted to people of a different gender. A woman attracted to other women. Attracted to people of all genders. Does not experience attraction to other people. They may however experience romantic attraction. Attracted to people of the same and other genders. Rarely or seldom attracted to other people. Sexual attraction is usually based on a pre-existing emotional bond. An umbrella term for non-heterosexual people. Due to its use as a slur (hate speech), it should only be used by people who identify that way.

5 Attracted to people of the same gender. Attracted to people of a different gender. A woman attracted to other women. Attracted to people of all genders. Does not experience attraction to other people. They may however experience romantic attraction. Attracted to people of the same and other genders. Rarely or seldom attracted to other people. Sexual attraction is usually based on a pre-existing emotional bond. An umbrella term for non-heterosexual people. Due to its use as a slur (hate speech), it should only be used by people who identify that way. Gay/ homosexual Straight/ heterosexual Lesbian Pansexual Asexual Bisexual DemisexualQueer

6 Why do you think it’s important to know all these terms? I knew I was attracted to girls when I was about 12 – but the fact I was also attracted to boys confused me. I didn’t know if it was genuine attraction or just because all the magazines and films said I should be attracted to them. I was 16 before anyone told me it was okay to be bisexual. My friends were always talking about the people they fancied – I used to think there must be something wrong with me, because I never fancied anyone. I thought I must be broken. When I found out about asexuality, everything just made sense – I wish I’d known earlier!

7 Do these stereotypes bother you? Why? Stereotypes SexualityStereotypeWhy is it harmful? Bisexual“greedy”, “cheats”, “promiscuous” This can damage relationships if their partner thinks they’re likely to cheat. Lesbian“man hater”Lots of lesbians are subjected to misogyny (sexism) because of this stereotype What is a stereotype? What stereotypes do people associate with different aspects about you? We’ve all got friends who are homosexuals. They are often extremely, very, very good at artistic things, very good at things like antiques, knowledgeable. No reason at all to say that they’re not loving. (Baroness Knight, defending herself against accusations of homophobia after opposing the same-gender marriage bill)

8 Stonewall are a national LGB charity They’ve run a number of campaigns What do you notice?

9 Your Turn! You need to create an awareness campaign about different sexualities Try to include the good aspects of the Stonewall campaigns – How will you make your campaign get people’s attention? – Where and how will you promote it for maximum impact? You also need to make your campaign fully inclusive

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