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Unit 11 Teaching Reading Anything in common? Something in common! listening & speaking-receptive skills speaking & writing -productive skills.

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2 Unit 11 Teaching Reading

3 Anything in common?

4 Something in common! listening & speaking-receptive skills speaking & writing -productive skills

5 Review What ‘s important about teaching listening? 1.How is the process of listening? 2.How is the process of teacing listening? 3.Should we just give students listening practice or test their listening comprehension?

6 1.Similar process of listening & reading Top-down Model Top-down Model

7 Discourses Sentences/ Phrases Words Linguistic knowledge is used. 1.1 Bottom-up Model

8 Discourses Sentences/ Phrases Words Linguistic Knowledge & Background Knowledge are used 1.2 Top-down Model

9 Writer’s meaning Visual signal Reader’s knowledge Reader’s reconstruction Visual information

10 2.Similar process of teaching listening & reading Three stages Pre-listening & reading While-listening & reading Post-listening & reading




14 3.Similar strategies of listening & reading eg: ☆ predicting ☆ guessing the meaning of a new word from the context ☆ skimming for the main idea ☆ scanning for specific information

15 4.Similar principles of effective teaching of listening & reading p184

16 Some transition devices for while-reading tasks Pictures, drawings, maps, tables, tree diagrams, cyclic diagrams, pie charts, bar charts, flow charts, chronological sequence, subtitles (providing subtitles), notes (taking notes while reading), etc.

17 Tree diagram

18 Bar chart

19 Pie chart

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