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APS Talk Outline for GRB-GWB Search (for Spring 06) External Triggers Group.

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Presentation on theme: "APS Talk Outline for GRB-GWB Search (for Spring 06) External Triggers Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 APS Talk Outline for GRB-GWB Search (for Spring 06) External Triggers Group

2 February 19, 2006External Triggers Group2 Outline of proposed plots (S2, S3, S4)  cumulative distribution of probabilities, 25-ms and 100-ms crosscorrelation lengths (page 4)  discussion of most significant excess in distributions  distribution of binomial probability statistic under null hypothesis (page 5)  results from other statistical tests (Soumya) (page 6)  example of upper limit curve for hrss upper limit determination (page 7)  distributions of hrss upper limits for S2, S3, S4 runs, using Q = 8.9, f = 250 Hz sine-gaussians (page 8)  Note: The plots will change slightly when the S4 search is rerun using Version 4 calibrations

3 February 19, 2006External Triggers Group3 Proposed discussion, plots for S5  As discussed in the review telecon, there is uncertainty as to what will be shown as far as S5 results is concerned  It’s possible to show plots corresponding to main bullets 1 and 5 in the previous slide, using S5 data analyzed so far, i.e. plots of the cumulative probability distributions, and a plot of the distribution of hrss upper limits  Note that it does not make sense to say that we did or did not see a signal from any GRB without taking into account the sample as a whole, i.e. this is a statistical search  Given that the talk is only 10 minutes long, it is unclear if there will be time for all of the proposed discussion

4 February 19, 2006External Triggers Group4 Cumulative probability distributions 25-ms cc length 100-ms cc length

5 February 19, 2006External Triggers Group5 Distribution of binomial probability statistic under null hypothesis

6 February 19, 2006External Triggers Group6 Ranksum test

7 February 19, 2006External Triggers Group7 Upper limit curve example

8 February 19, 2006External Triggers Group8 Upper limits on hrss for S2, S3, S4 runs (sine-gaussians, Q = 8.9, 250 Hz)

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