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Created by Ms. Sculthorpe.  A struggle between two opposing forces  Opposing means that they struggle against each other, it is a battle of sorts 

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Ms. Sculthorpe.  A struggle between two opposing forces  Opposing means that they struggle against each other, it is a battle of sorts "— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Ms. Sculthorpe

2  A struggle between two opposing forces  Opposing means that they struggle against each other, it is a battle of sorts  These two forces have differences that make it difficult for them to get along

3  Internal conflict  External conflict

4  INTERNAL CONFLICT happens within the character  Definition: a struggle that takes place within the characters mind

5  Internal conflict takes place when:  A character struggles to make a decision or choice For example: What would you do if your best friend started a rumor about you? Would you still go hang out with him or her over the weekend?

6  Person vs. Self (this is what we will use in this class)  or Character vs. Self  or Man vs. Self

7  EXTERNAL CONFLICT happens outside of the character  Definition: a struggle between the character and an outside force

8  External conflict takes place when:  A character struggles against: Another person/character An object/thing Nature Society – the normal way things are

9  When a character has a conflict with another character, it could be because  One character is trying to stop the other from succeeding  One character is against what the other character is trying to do For example: When Nag tried to kill Rikki Tikki, he was trying to kill him because he wanted the garden to himself and he didn’t want Rikki Tikki to kill him

10  Person vs. Person (this is what we will use in class)  Character vs. Character  Man vs. Man

11  When a character struggles against an object or thing, it could be because:  The character does not understand how to use the object  The character thinks the object is trying to hurt him or her For example: You are trying to figure out how to use a new computer program and you cannot figure it out.

12  As if the object or thing were a person or character  Person vs. Person (this is what we will use in this class)

13  When a character struggles against the forces of nature, it could be because:  Of a hurricane or other weather  Of being left in a forest  Of being swept away by flood waters  Of being stuck at sea For example: Rikki Tikki was swept from his home by flood waters.

14  Person vs. Nature (this is what we will use in this class)  Character vs. Nature  Man vs. Nature

15  When a character struggles against society, they are in conflict with the normal way things are for that society  This could be because: The character does not agree with the laws The character does not want to follow the laws The character acts differently than people expect him to act  For example: When Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech, he was struggling against society – he wanted to change the laws and the way people thought about African Americans

16  Person vs. Society (this is what we will use in this class)  Character vs. Society  Man vs. Society

17  When a character struggles to make a decision, it is called ______ conflict  This conflict can be described as _____ vs. _____  When a character struggles against an outside force, it is called _______ conflict  When this is a conflict with another person or an object, it can be described as ______ vs. ______  When a character is left alone in a forest to survive, this conflict can be described as _____ vs. ______  If a character does not act the way people are expected to act in the United States, the conflict can be described as ________ vs. __________

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