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The Location of Femoral and Tibial Tunnels in Anatomic Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Analyzed by Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography.

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Presentation on theme: "The Location of Femoral and Tibial Tunnels in Anatomic Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Analyzed by Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Location of Femoral and Tibial Tunnels in Anatomic Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Analyzed by Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Models by Brian Forsythe, Sebastian Kopf, Andrew K. Wong, Cesar A.Q. Martins, William Anderst, Scott Tashman, and Freddie H. Fu J Bone Joint Surg Am Volume 92(6):1418-1426 June 1, 2010 ©2010 by The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc.

2 Following careful arthroscopic dissection and removal of soft-tissue remnants, key insertion site anatomy was identified. Brian Forsythe et al. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2010;92:1418- 1426 ©2010 by The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc.

3 Following careful arthroscopic anatomic dissection, bone tunnels were drilled at the centers of the femoral and tibial anteromedial (AM) and posterolateral (PL) insertion sites. Brian Forsythe et al. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2010;92:1418- 1426 ©2010 by The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc.

4 On the femoral side, the locations of the anteromedial and posterolateral tunnel aperture centers were established within a 4 × 4 grid, which was oriented along the most anterior edge of the notch roof. t = line parallel to the Blumensaat line, and h = line... Brian Forsythe et al. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2010;92:1418- 1426 ©2010 by The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc.

5 Femoral anatomic coordinate axes posterior-to-anterior (P-A) measurements were made from the line (F1) running through the posterior border of the medial wall of the lateral condyle to the line (F2) running through the most anterior point of the notch. Brian Forsythe et al. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2010;92:1418- 1426 ©2010 by The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc.

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