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Psychotic Disorders Psychology. Presence of one or more of the following domains 1.delusions (grossly inaccurate beliefs) 2.hallucinations 3.Disorganized.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychotic Disorders Psychology. Presence of one or more of the following domains 1.delusions (grossly inaccurate beliefs) 2.hallucinations 3.Disorganized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychotic Disorders Psychology

2 Presence of one or more of the following domains 1.delusions (grossly inaccurate beliefs) 2.hallucinations 3.Disorganized thinking (speech) 4.Disorganized or abnormal motor behavior. 5.Negative symptoms.

3 Schizophrenia (Spectrum disorder) Most serious of all mental disturbances Affects 1% Schizophrenia: hallucinations and delusions are prominent.

4 Criteria for diagnosis For a diagnosis, symptoms must have been present for six months and include at least one month of active symptoms.

5 Schizophrenia (speech issues) Symptoms: WORD SALAD: words are all mixed together: “The house burnt the cow horrendously always.”

6 Schizophrenia (speech issues) CLANG ASSOCIATIONS: associations involving similar-sounding words. Ex. “You wear clothes and how much does this watch cost? Have you a sister? I have three and they are all fine girls, curls, furls, isn’t that funny?”

7 Schizophrenia Symptoms typically appear in adolescence or early adulthood.

8 Schizophrenia (most diagnosed form) Paranoid type: marked by STRONG feelings of persecution and suspiciousness. Often includes grandiose beliefs. Delusions and Hallucinations. illogical cognition

9 Schizophrenia Possible causes Modern belief- BRAIN DISORDER! Different possible causes: 1.Genetics? 90% of the relatives of schizophrenic patients DO NOT HAVE THE DISORDER! Identical twins cases: 50%, one half is left untouched by the disorder.

10 Schizophrenia 2. Paternal age: as men age their sperm cells continue to reproduce by dividing. With each division the sperm cell accumulate genetic mutations that can be passed on to his offspring. (2001) study that involved 87,000 people.

11 Continue from previous slide Born b/w 1964-1976. 658 had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Men 45 to 49, 2x as likely to have an offspring w/ Schizophrenia Men 50+ were 3x more likely… Mothers age appeared to play NO role

12 Schizophrenia Possible Cause of Schizophrenia 3. Abnormal Brain Structures: ½ of the people w/ the disorder have some type of brain structure abnormality. EX. Enlargement of the ventricles (deep within the brain) How is it related? Scientists do not know yet.

13 Schizophrenia Possible causes of Schizophrenia 4. Loss of gray matter tissue (cerebral cortex) How is it related? Scientist do not know Ex. Decreased brain weight.

14 Schizophrenia Possible Cause of Schizophrenia 5. The Dopamine Hypothesis: Excess activity of dopamine in the brain produce the positive (hallucinations and delusions) symptoms.

15 Schizophrenia Drugs like Haldol, Thorazine, and Stelazine (antipsychotic drugs) reduce or block Dopamine. Drugs that enhance (agonist) Dopamine, like amphetamines and cocaine, can produce schizophrenia- like symptoms in normal adults or increase symptoms in schizophrenic patients.

16 Schizophrenia 1.Catatonic type : motor dysfunctions. Two forms: 1. catatonic stupor- do not speak or say very little, highly disturbed movements (waxy flexibility). Hold rigid, statue like postures. Motionless for hours! 2 nd form- Catatonic excitement, agitated and hyperactive.

17 More examples of catatonic

18 Schizophrenia 3.Undifferentiated type: used when a schizophrenic does not clearly fit into any other subtype.

19 Schizophrenia Rule of 3: 1/3 have one psychotic episode 1/3 have severe symptoms and DO NOT respond to treatment. 1/3 are in and out of institutions most of their lives.

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