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EPHA Spring Term View from the Bridge. Education and Adoption Bill Bill passed by House of Commons 23 rd February 2016 Coasting Schools eligible for intervention.

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Presentation on theme: "EPHA Spring Term View from the Bridge. Education and Adoption Bill Bill passed by House of Commons 23 rd February 2016 Coasting Schools eligible for intervention."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPHA Spring Term View from the Bridge

2 Education and Adoption Bill Bill passed by House of Commons 23 rd February 2016 Coasting Schools eligible for intervention by Local Authority or Secretary of State Proposed definition of coasting to be confirmed – draft Schools Causing Concern was out for consultation autumn 2015 Extended to cover academies Secretary of state will gain powers to issue warning notices to any school (through Regional Schools Commissioner) Requirement to consult on a school converting to academy status to be removed 2

3 School-led Improvement System Implementation of a strategy to move Essex into a school-led improvement system Opportunities for schools to work together in accountable partnerships to achieve collective outcomes for children across a group of schools Opportunities include sharing of good practice across schools, curriculum development, joint governor meetings, pooling of staff, efficiencies across back office functions 20 partnerships have been approved by the project board Sign up requires the commitment of governors to support cluster working Peer reviews commissioned Education Development Trust commissioned as a strategic partner 3

4 Ofsted overview 29 primary inspections so far this year 7 in South of which 86% are good 9 in NE of which 67% are good 5 in West of which 100% are good 8 in Mid of which 50% are good Of which 13 schools were previously good and 16 were grade 3 or 4 21 of the schools inspected have been judged at least good (72%) of which 4 are outstanding (14%) 3 good schools have dropped, of which 2 dropped to inadequate and 1 to requires improvement 2 requires improvement schools have dropped to inadequate 3 requires improvement schools remain as requires improvement 4

5 5 Recruitment and Retention Teacher Recruitment Campaign Local and Education press Social media 3000 additional “clicks” on Essex Jobscene Recruitment from Southern Australia, Ireland and Wales Lobbying of District Councils for “key-worker housing” Intern programme pre-ITT R&R survey TSAs and clusters - overstaffing Heads in Waiting 4

6 SEN Capital update Work on feasibility for school forum projects for new SEN provision nearing completion. The proposals include a significant increase in capacity for all through ASC and SEMH needs. In addition there will be four new ASC Enhanced Provisions opened from September 2016. (Mid – Kelvedon, St Mary’s / NE – Hamford Primary / South – Merrylands Primary / West – Milwards Primary. The primary schools that have applied to host SEMH provision will meet in March to look at capital requirements. Work is underway to establish pilot clusters of schools working together to embed highly effective support for children with SEN. New Ofsted / CQC framework for the LA and partners from May 2016. 6

7 Capital Re-running 10 year forecasts Quadrant and district overview of proposed growth that is needed Most opportunities for school expansion have already been utilised or viability studies are underway Consideration of new schools and free schools as part of the programme Presentations to headteachers to take place during the summer term 7

8 NET work on Essex toolkit for raising attainment of disadvantage pupils 8 Over 100 schools completed survey feedback as part of the study - 4 sets of focus groups with schools – 2 this week Review of school websites undertaken Stakeholder meetings this term School visits to see impactful practice Conference – April 20 th 2016 (2 places per school) A toolkit for excellence with the pupil premium, informed by as many Essex Schools as possible will be published in April 2016. Contact Pupil Premium lead – for further To better understand individual school contexts, the rationale behind their spending decisions and how impact is evaluated

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