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Interior Design Chapter One The Process of Design DESIGN IS THE PROCESS OF PROBLEM SOLVING Letter of Agreement Outlines the responsibilities of the designer.

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Presentation on theme: "Interior Design Chapter One The Process of Design DESIGN IS THE PROCESS OF PROBLEM SOLVING Letter of Agreement Outlines the responsibilities of the designer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interior Design Chapter One The Process of Design DESIGN IS THE PROCESS OF PROBLEM SOLVING Letter of Agreement Outlines the responsibilities of the designer and the financial obligation of the client to reimburse the designer for services rendered. This is a legal document The problem statement indicates the basic nature of the project Purpose Location Whom it is created Research and Programming The summary of goals, requirements, and restrictions associate with a design problem is known as the program The process of programming is accomplished by gathering, compiling, analyzing and verifying the information necessary to understand the problem and solve it. Programming is used as formal written document in non-residential design Programming may be used formally or informally in residential design Programs may be issued by those commissioning the design but additional data may still need to be collected.

2 Interior Design Chapter One Program-Programming USERS Those who will use the design formally or informally Principle occupants Friends/Family Animals A profile is developed for each of the principle residents of the home Example: teenage boy DEMOGRAPHICS Statistical information about numbers and kind of residents Traditional Families Non Traditional Families Special Populations LIFESTYLE AND FUNCTION Lifestyle-The constantly changing way a person or group of people live and how they use their time. Ex. Interests, Hobbies, Groups etc. Function-Anything that takes place within a given environment In planning a kitchen space one might ask: How many family members cook? What types of equipment will be used in the space? Minimal/gourmet? Storage needs? Dining area provided?

3 Interior Design Chapter One Program-Programming RELATIONSHIPS Lines of proximity identified by the function of a particular space in its relationship to another. Ex. kitchen to dining/bedroom to bathroom SPACE REQUIREMENTS The amount of space a particular function demands Often done by inventorying ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A consideration towards the environment must be included in the programming phase of the design Exotic woods vs. woods that are readily renewable CLIMATE AND WEATHER Where the project is located and how the climate should effect the overall design execution Ex. New York vs. LA Restaurant

4 Interior Design Chapter One Program-Programming PHYSICAL LOCATION Involves factors such as site, view prevailing winds, solar exposure noise and environmental hazards. Site of a building should influence its design View, ex. mountain Prevailing Winds- Can be positive or negative depending on location. Solar exposure- Also can be positive or negative depending on the climate. Ex. Southern exposure in Arizona Noise- can be controlled with the use of materials that refract or bend sound waves through the use of textile applications which eliminate echo noise or reverberation. Ex. when a house is empty vs. furnished PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL CONSIDERATIONS The environment in which a person lives, works, shops, eats, etc. effects a person’s well being Privacy and Interaction Public vs. Private Public- May prefer open spaces such as a great room Private-Separate spaces for separate functions Cultural relationships Distinctive aspects of a local culture or family history used to enhance the quality of an interior. Security and Safety Physical safety of an occupants and possessions in relation with the psychological well being of a home Fire alarms, Home security, Familiarity and Stability The design of an interior to include items such as family photographs, art and collections scan create a mental stability and reassurance through familiarity

5 Interior Design Chapter One Program-Programming ECONOMIC FACTORS The economic means of a client bears a large impact on the extent of a design and the materials selected for the design execution. Building Materials-Use items that are indigenous to a particular area Custom vs. Standard sizes- custom is more expensive Cost of material replacement- What happens when materials wear out Cost of maintence/upkeep Planning ahead for future changes or additions DESIGN PREFERENCES Preferences of theme, colors, historic period or contemporary style gathered from research of a particular client will be used to guide the designer through the design development process. CODES Laws and restrictions enabling federal, state and local governments and their agencies for the health and welfare of the consumer.

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