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Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Employees, managers and organisations, as well as the population in general, take for.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Employees, managers and organisations, as well as the population in general, take for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Employees, managers and organisations, as well as the population in general, take for granted the level and amount of technology available. Businesses have developed systems to quickly analyse data, software programs allow for customer databases into the millions, account- ing software takes care of financial functions and large amounts of data can be stored on hard drives and backed up without taking up too much office space. Employees and manag- ers now use desktop and laptop computers, data show projectors, interactive whiteboards, PDAs, mobile phones, electronic books, blogs and email as part of their everyday lives at work and at home. Technological, or information and commu- nication technologies (ICT), development has progressed enormously in the last decade and has had a major impact on organisational efficiency and effectiveness in the key areas of operations management, human resources and general productivity. SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

2 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Emerging information and communication technologies Technology is a tool used to store and process vast amounts of information. The successful implementation of ICT, however, also includes a great deal of technological management; that is, organising data and information systems, controlling large production processes, complex communication networks, and allowing people and technology to work together. In the last 20 years, businesses have been quick to adopt tools such as word processing, email, websites, fax machines, PDAs and mobile phones because of the benefits gained in increased efficiency, which ultimately contributes to corporate profit. SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

3 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development ICT has had a huge impact on the way businesses run, and the innovations and changes to technology continue at a rate and type that is difficult for people to grasp. While consumers are always ready to buy the latest technology, organisations need to develop ways to innovate and introduce these changes and developments SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

4 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Arguments for and against technological development SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

5 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Technological development as a pressure for change on organisations Technology can be a major change issue for organisations, regardless of their size and industry. A number of pressures for change on organisations are discussed below. Management Technology and its introduction and implementation introduce issues and pressures for management. Managers need to have a skill set that allows them to manage the demands of technology. Management skills should include: - Creative-thinking skills to see the patterns and possibilities and be able to build systems to convert these to advantage - The ability to develop and manage effec- tive teams. The Commonwealth Bank, for example, spent $1 billion on ICT over the past year. Money was spent on maintenance, technical support and software. SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

6 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Technological development as a pressure for change on organisations Corporate culture Corporate culture may change as a result of technological development. Cultural shifts may occur when applicants are recruited for their technological skills. The new employees and their perspectives may mean that their new ideas and attitudes will influence the culture. Changes due to technology may mean employees and managers become stressed or resist change if they are unclear about the purpose or implications of the change. SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

7 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Technological development as a pressure for change on organisations Employees Employees, regardless of their job, will be using ICT in a number of ways. The use of computers, email, the internet and mobile phones is now part of daily work life. Customers Customers now expect organisations to have up-to-date technology as part of their normal business functions. Most consumers and potential customers will use the business’s website to find out about the company and the products they sell. Websites also provide customers with the opportunity to seek out further information and receive information by email. It is necessary for organisations to keep their websites up to date as consumers will often visit the site expecting to see new products and information. A well-managed website will impress consumers, while a poor website creates doubts in their minds. SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

8 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Two case studies of the successful implementation of technology QANTAS (pg 364) TOYOTA (pg 364-365) READ and discuss as a class SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

9 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development The impact of technology on organisations Technology has led to a number of changes within organisations. These changes have been at all levels and within all sections of the organisational structure. Changes have affected a number of areas, including those outlined below. Policy Organisations have had to develop policies and procedures on the use of technology. Policies and protocols on emails, codes of conduct on accept- able ICT and internet use, cyber-bullying, and privacy have to be developed. Many schools and organisations have established codes and policies on acceptable use of the internet and emails. SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

10 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development The impact of technology on organisations Privacy issues The advent of new technologies has also led to the need for legislation and policies to protect the privacy of individuals. Laws regarding privacy are part of a worldwide trend. The increased use of technologies such as the internet, email and electronic scanning have given people access to a wider range of data than ever before, which can be accessed more quickly. Community concerns and recognition of the impact of these technologies has led governments to introduce legislation at both state and federal levels. Victoria is covered by three pieces of privacy legislation: Information Privacy Act 2000 (Victoria) Health Records Act 2001 Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000. SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

11 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Management and maintenance of the computer system SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

12 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development The impact of technology on the organisation Technology can have an impact on the organisation in a number of ways. SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

13 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Technology and its impact on ethics and social responsibility Technology and ICT has many implications for business ethics and social responsibility. As discussed throughout this chapter, it is important for organisations to manage ICT to ensure that it has a positive contribution to make. Areas where ICT must be managed ethically and in a socially responsible manner include: - a code of conduct for internet and email use - policies and procedures in place to deal with cyber-bullying and inappropriate use of the internet and email - privacy policies and practices to ensure that information and data is not given out SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

14 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Technology and its impact on ethics and social responsibility Technology and ICT has many implications for business ethics and social responsibility. As discussed throughout this chapter, it is important for organisations to manage ICT to ensure that it has a positive contribution to make. Areas where ICT must be managed ethically and in a socially responsible manner include: - practices in place to ensure that viruses are stopped and data protected - practices in place to try to ensure that technology is used to reduce pollution and emissions in the manufacturing and processing industries - recycling of old hardware so that it does not end up in landfill - use of ‘green’ technology to contribute in a positive manner to the environment. SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

15 Chapter 16 – Technological Development Technological Development Questions: SCSC Year 12 Business Management. Weebly. com

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