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Web Mapping Services Applied and Explained No more data silos ??? Then what ? AJ Wortley & Brenda Hemstead State Cartographer’s Office WLIA Annual Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Mapping Services Applied and Explained No more data silos ??? Then what ? AJ Wortley & Brenda Hemstead State Cartographer’s Office WLIA Annual Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Mapping Services Applied and Explained No more data silos ??? Then what ? AJ Wortley & Brenda Hemstead State Cartographer’s Office WLIA Annual Conference – 2005

2 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Overview  Say what ? – geospatial web services  Supporting technology trends  Benefits  State Cartographer’s Office work  Extensions / Opportunities  Challenges  Future directions

3 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 But first, a few questions…  How many here are data custodians ?  How many sell data or published map products ?  How many have/manage a webmapping website ?  Where do you want to go today ?

4 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 … and my goals for this talk.  To have a conversation about Internet mapping services;  To avoid acronyms and technical terms;  To develop an understanding of the benefits of this mode of publication;  And for you to come away with information you can use.

5 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 What are webmapping services ? … geospatial web services analogies  Like utility lines – phone, water, gas  Always on – delivering most current info. but only as much as you need at a time.  Stateless conversation vs. discreet transaction  Path to a services oriented architecture (SOA)

6 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 What is a service oriented arch. ? Service Oriented Architecture : A system for linking resources on demand. In an SOA, resources are made available to other participants in the network as independent services that are accessed in a standardized way. This provides for more flexible loose coupling of resources than in traditional systems architectures.

7 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 This means ? & we relate how ? A system for linking resources on demand. - Just-in-time (JIT) data & processing Resources are made available to other participants in the network … - Internet, extranet, intranet, wireless as independent services that are accessed in a standardized way… - open standards for data & exchange This provides for more flexible loose coupling of resources than in traditional systems architectures. - GIT is still a traditional arch. – GIS grows up.

8 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 GIRM: Networked Geospatial Interoperability StackGIRM Source: John D. Evans (GST/NASA)

9 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Importance of Standards and Interoperability  A Standards-based Framework is essential to develop a federated network of critical infrastructure information sources.  Interoperability is required for cross-vendor, cross platform information sharing in a distributed environment.  Interoperability is critical to the success of Information and Application Integration as envisioned in all industry segments. - OGC, 2001

10 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Some benefits  Reduced overhead  Efficient, effective delivery to more demanding users (e.g. application developers)  Increased visibility and demand  Value added to geospatial data assets through wider spread use.

11 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 SCO – What we do

12 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 We support building a WI Spatial Data Infrastructure N S D I FGDC -- Coordination -- Standards -- Policy --Education The National Map --“Topographic” content --Applications --USGS scientific datasets Geospatial One-Stop --Discovery --Access --Wide variety of content

13 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 SDI Relies on Interoperability Data – Models, metadata, management, content standards Information – Data evolution through documentation, transformation, integration, translation…publication Knowledge – Derived from information integration and application Understanding – Arrived at through sound (spatial) information analysis and good decision-making (+ Visualization/Communication)

14 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 SDI Supports… Discovery, Access, Evaluation, & Integration Discovery channels Portals, clearinghouses, catalogs Access and restrictions Standards and quality evaluation IT Integration / interoperability

15 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 GIS Portals/Clearinghouse Context Data Services Catalog Services Reliable Access for Applications Integration Discovery Portals User Access for Decision- making City Name Road Name River Name Federal Cities Counties Tribes States Academia Private

16 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 SCO Efforts in support of WI SDI  Coordinating joint efforts…  IAGT Coastal Erosion Project in Ozaukee Co.  Visual Framework Data Catalogs  AP Catalog, OrthoFinder, ControlFinder  Clearinghouse Efforts  WISCLINC (WISCMAP)  Outreach & Education  SCO & SIAC – on-line & in person

17 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Thematic framework data catalogs  Aerial Photography Catalog  First legacy catalog brought on-line  Orthophotography catalog – OrthoFinder  Newer data, technology, metadata  Geodetic control catalog – ControlFinder  With an eye toward interoperability and web mapping services

18 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Geodetic Control Catalog

19 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 ControlFinder Federal - local data sources Data & metadata- driven Point attributes & datasheet linkage/ data download Saved result set Historical (USGS 3 rd Order Vert.) archive

20 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Web services foundation  DRG WMS reference layer.  Under development…  All WMS reference layers.  Geodetic control as Web Feature Service  Cascading Web Feature Services from counties to statewide view.  WISCLINC OGC Catalog Services

21 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Clearinghouse efforts  Wisconsin Land Information Clearinghouse (WISCLINC) – Technical clearinghouse Repository of metadata / sites/ web services Inventory, catalog, discovery, access On-line: then & nowthennow  Wisconsin Land Information System (WLIS) – State agency enterprise portal by WI DNR Enterprise management and services system Portal to distributed holdings and services Portal Standards, coordination, application, integration

22 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Clearinghouse extensions

23 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Clearinghouse extensions  Browse/catalog interface  Sites, metadata & services content  WMS services viewer  Directory to distributed information.

24 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Opportunities  Encourage interoperable standards and protocols in statewide enterprise development  Model web services as local distribution/ contribution(publishing) method for spatial data  Extend thematic catalog model -> e.g.elevation  Repository development -> catalog services  Other services  Gazeteer service  Local coordinate system lookup service  Historical aerial photography catalog

25 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Challenges – state  Find champion – GIO ?  Fund coordination  Entice cooperation  Better access to data – timely & effective  Incentives for open data model  Adoption of interoperable standards  Develop data and information policy that facilitates federal and regional cooperative efforts.  In contracting for data/application development, be forward- looking with respect to architecture, protocols, and future integration ….

26 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Challenges – local  Fund interoperable pilots  Develop regional use cases  Encourage use of interoperable standards  Continue to address issues of privacy, appropriate use, chargeback policy, data security, IT capacity, CRS  Develop data and information policy that facilitates federal and regional cooperative efforts  In contracting for data/application development, be forward-looking with respect to architecture, protocols, and future integration ….

27 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Future directions  Clearinghouse/ portal development and custodial roles  ControlFinder WMS / WFS services  OrthoFinder WFS linked to local WMS services  Outreach and education (campus & state)  State agency Center of Excellence  Invigorate state GIS working group  Stronger participation

28 2/23/2005WLIA Annual 2005 Thank You – Questions ? State Cartographer’s Office AJ Wortley 608.265.8106

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