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The (Sociological) Social Psychology of Deviance.

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Presentation on theme: "The (Sociological) Social Psychology of Deviance."— Presentation transcript:

1 The (Sociological) Social Psychology of Deviance

2  Edwin Sutherland ◦ Two main assumptions  Deviance happens when a person defines a situation as the right time  Definitions reflect social background

3  In association with others, one: ◦ Learns to define situation as right time ◦ Masters necessary skills & techniques ◦ Acquires necessary motives, rationalizations

4  Robert Burgess & Ronald Akers ◦ Differential Reinforcement  Operant conditioning  Behavioral Psychology  R-S-R  Reinforcements  Positive (get what you want)  Negative (don’t get what you don’t want)

5  Punishments  Positive (something happens to you)  Negative (something you value is taken away)  Gresham Sykes & David Matza ◦ Techniques of neutralization  Denial of responsibility  Denial of injury  Denial of victim  Condemning the condemners  Appeal to higher loyalties

6  Preventative Learning ◦ Socialization  Correction (“Un-learning”) ◦ Youth programs ◦ Group correction  Self-help groups  AA

7  Synanon ◦ Token economies

8 ◦ Aversive therapies  Disulfiram  Succinylcholine

9  Still influential ◦ Recent themes:  Deviant careers  “Becoming”  Shortcomings ◦ Abuse potential ◦ Ignores choice ◦ Ignores larger context

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