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Child Health Initiative Project (CHIP). Who We Are? MISSION: Immigrant Services Calgary is committed to being comprehensive settlement agency working.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Health Initiative Project (CHIP). Who We Are? MISSION: Immigrant Services Calgary is committed to being comprehensive settlement agency working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Health Initiative Project (CHIP)

2 Who We Are? MISSION: Immigrant Services Calgary is committed to being comprehensive settlement agency working together with immigrants and their families to make Canada home. VALUES: We are passionate, collaborative, accountable, and ethical leaders in settlement services. We believe that people come first. We are committed to quality services for a diverse Canadian community. VISION: Immigrants and their families participate fully in an integrated and cohesive Canadian society. OBJECTIVES: Immigrant Services Calgary is committed to being: a well managed, financially accountable, sustainable agency; beneficiary centred and accessed by those who need our services; a recognized leader with well trained staff and effective volunteers; and engaged with our community

3 Child Health Initiative Project(CHIP) Who: Immigrant parents and kids ages 3-12 What: An 8-week class focused on healthy nutrition and physical activity When: Different classes offered throughout the week. Call to ask about availability. Where: Mosaic Family Resource Centre (#510, 910 7th Ave. SW) and well as various schools in the community Why: To promote healthy, active families

4 WHY??? “The data suggests that, the longer you live in Canada, the more likely it is that you’ll adopt an unhealthy lifestyle.”, And “New immigrants want to adopt Canadian ways when they arrive, particularly youth. Within this specific age group, the pressure to fit in to Canadian cultural norms is multiplied even further,” Katerina Maximova, Assistant Professor; Department of Public Health Sciences BMI differences: The immigrant equation By Andrea Lauder, May 4, 2011 20News/2011/05/BMIdifferencesTheimmigrantequation.aspx

5 And Obstacles Exposure to junk food/marketing Affection and love in some cultures expressed with extra food Coming from the countries where the food are scattered and underweight is a problem Less active due to numerous factors(weather, fear..) Caprio S, et al. Diabetes Care.2008;31:2211-2221. nals/article/index.xml?journalid=36&articleid=102&sectionid =652

6 CHIP Solution

7 Provide Information

8 Listen! Ask! Empower!

9 CHIP is: In the “neighborhood” Free program Accommodating the schedule of working parents/guardians Providing handouts/ interpreter's services in multiple languages

10 Questions?

11 Thank you!

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