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A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave I. Setting up your notecards Front Back Term Part of Speech Definition Use it in a sentence Picture.

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Presentation on theme: "A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave I. Setting up your notecards Front Back Term Part of Speech Definition Use it in a sentence Picture."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave I

2 Setting up your notecards Front Back Term Part of Speech Definition Use it in a sentence Picture

3 Implored (v)  To beg urgently.

4 Morose(adj)  Gloomy; ill-tempered.

5 Spector (n)  Ghost.

6 Benevolence (n)  Goodwill; charitableness.

7 Penance (n)  Punishment to make up wrongdoing or sin.

8 A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave II

9 Setting up your notecards Front Back Term Part of Speech Definition Use it in a sentence Picture

10 Jocund (adj)  Cheerful; merry.

11 Avarice (n)  Insatiable greed.

12 Sordid (adj)  Of moral low character; vile; base.

13 Tumultuous (adj)  Disorderly or chaotic.

14 Boisterous (adj)  Noisily rowdy and joyful.

15 A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave III

16 Setting up your notecards Front Back Term Part of Speech Definition Use it in a sentence Picture

17 Prodigiously (adv)  Extraordinarily; marvelous or wonderful.

18 Apoplectic (adj)  Intense enough to cause bodily harm.

19 Ubiquitous (adj)  Existing or being everywhere.

20 Odious (adj)  Hateful; detestable.

21 Officious (adj)  Proceeding with forwardness.

22 Heresy (n)  Rejection of a well-accepted belief or culture.

23 A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave IV

24 Setting up your notecards Front Back Term Part of Speech Definition Use it in a sentence Picture

25 Solemn (adj)  Grave, somber, or mirthless.

26 Inexorable (adj)  Unyielding.

27 Bereft (v)  To deprive and make desolate, usually by death.

28 Entreaty (n)  Earnest request or petition.

29 A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave V

30 Setting up your notecards Front Back Term Part of Speech Definition Use it in a sentence Picture

31 Illustrious (adj)  Highly distinguished; well renowned.

32 Blithe (adj)  Joyous, merry, or cheerful.

33 Unanimity (n)  The state or being of being unanimous, or agreed upon.

34 Munificence (n)  The quality of being extremely generous.

35 Malady (n)  Disorder or disease.

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