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Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan The Seventies and Eighties.

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1 Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan The Seventies and Eighties

2 The Inauguration on August 9, 1974

3 Ford’s Presidency Ford pardons Nixon on Sept. 8, 1974 He nominates Nelson Rockefeller as VP on August 20, 1974. He was Governor of New York. WIN=Whip Inflation Now. Ford urged Americans to wear pins with this slogan. Most realized this was for public relations and did nothing for inflation. Ford supported the ERA=Equal Rights Amendment for women. Ford supported a Constitutional Amendment in which states could choose whether to support a woman’s right to choose. He opposed Roe v. Wade but Betty supported it. Later in life he, too, supported it. Ford signs into law income tax rebates in 1975 in order to boost the economy. He refuses to bail out New York City when they were having a financial crisis. While president, the U.S. entered into the Helsinki Accords which was a way for the Soviet Union and the U.S. to watch each other to make sure each complied with the SALT=Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. Problems continued between Israel and its neighboring Arab countries such as Egypt. At one point, the U.S. came close to giving up or loosening its ties with Israel under Pres. Ford. Several urged him to reconsider. During Ford’s presidency the Vietnam war ended and the remaining Americans and many South Vietnamese had to escape from there especially from Saigon which would be renamed Ho Chi Minh City.

4 National Organization for Women Betty Friedan Shirley Chisolm Founded in 1966 and has over 550,000 members today. Two of the original founders were Betty Friedan and Rep. Shirley Chisolm. NOW is in favor of the passage of the ERA. NOW issues a Bill of Rights in 1968: No sex discrimination under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Maternity rights in employment and Social Security benefits. Tax deductions for home and child-care expenses for working parents. Equal and non-gender segregated education Equal job training for women and allowances for women in poverty. The right of women to control their reproductive lives.

5 Phyllis Schlafley Opposed the feminist movement. Opposed the ERA because: It would take away gender specific privileges currently enjoyed by women, including "dependent wife" benefits under Social Security and the exemption from Selective Service registration. She said it would lead to women being drafted and unisex bathrooms. She told TIME magazine that she has cancelled public appearances because her husband doesn’t want her away from home. Today, she is 88 years old and opposes same sex marriage.

6 Two assassination attempts Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme and Sara Jane Moore Both sentenced to life, both get out, one in 2009 and one in 2007.

7 Appointment of Justice John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court

8 Election of 1976

9 Historic gas prices

10 Jimmy Carter Peanut farmer from Georgia and former Governor of Georgia. Created the Department of Education and the Department of Energy. Initiated the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt. Returned the Panama Canal Zone to Panama. 1979 saw the takeover of the American Embassy in Iran and the taking of hostages who were held for over a year. Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1980 and the U.S. aided the Afghans. Energy crisis while in office. He asked people to turn down their thermostats and conserve energy. As with President Ford, the U.S. ran a budget deficit for the entire time he was in office. Gas crisis caused long lines at gas stations and gas shortages.

11 Energy Crisis

12 Camp David Accords

13 Turning over the Panama Canal

14 Iran Hostage Crisis

15 Relations with China President Carter went along with the Nixon policy to normalize relations with China. The U.S. policy was to recognize China and that Taiwan was part of the People’s Republic of China. This man sitting with Pres. Carter is Deng Xiaoping.

16 SALT II An agreement between the Soviet Union (Leonid Brezhnev) and the U.S. to limit nuclear weapons. Congress did not ratify this after the Russian invasion of Afghanistan but both sides held to the agreement.

17 Election of 1980

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