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Gomer inspires minds, to apply Science – Technology – Engineering – Maths Learning today for the challenge of tomorrow.

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Presentation on theme: "Gomer inspires minds, to apply Science – Technology – Engineering – Maths Learning today for the challenge of tomorrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gomer inspires minds, to apply Science – Technology – Engineering – Maths Learning today for the challenge of tomorrow

2 The STEM Situation to Date From the late 1980s to 2004, the number of students studying STEM subjects post-16 and at university dropped steeply, prompting concerns around the quality and status of STEM education and that the UK would not have enough qualified scientists and engineers to compete internationally in the future. Concerns were raised in a House of Lords Select Committee report in 2002, and in 2003 Professor Sir Gareth Roberts published Set for Success, a government commissioned report that looked into ways of increasing the supply of people with STEM skills.

3 So what happened next? Several initiatives to improve the teaching and take-up of STEM subjects followed, including the creation of the network of Science Learning Centres, which provide subject specific professional development for STEM teachers, and the establishment of the National STEM Centre. Together, these initiatives have contributed significantly to reversing the decline in the number of students opting to study STEM subjects in the later stages of their education.

4 More Needs To Be Done Although progress has been steady, the UK needs more scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians if it is to compete in an increasingly technological and global economy. A recent study by the Royal Academy of Engineering concludes that 100,000 STEM graduates a year are needed simply to maintain the status quo. Currently in the UK, 22% of all new degrees are awarded in STEM subjects; the equivalent figure in China (which awards 2.6 million engineering degrees a year) is 41%

5 What are Gomer going to do about it? gSTEM is a priority in our school improvement plan; leadership and governors are committed to this style of learning. Mrs Mulhall is representing 'primary phases' on a southern STEM steering group - Gomer's Learning Journey is being showcased and generating a national interest. Mrs Digby and Mrs Toone are conducting action research to inform a report for the Royal Academy of Engineering, alongside Professor Bill Lucas, Dr Janet Hanson and Professor Guy Claxton from the Centre for Real-World Learning. We are working alongside specialists in the field, who have given us tremendous support; Professor Adrian Oldknow and David Hill (Portsmouth University) who have helped drive our pioneering gSTEM adventure.

6 iSTEM Cluster Gomer are part of a newly created iSTEM+ cluster. Members of the cluster are: Gomer Junior School, Gosport Brune Park Community School, Gosport Bay House School & Sixth Form, Gosport – Gomer and Bay House will be hosting an event in 2016 to showcase our learning Fareham College – CEMAST

7 Through gSTEM lessons we seek to inspire, engage and enthuse learners iSTEM is all embracing as a cross-curricular approach to learning and not simply an acronym representing disconnected single subjects or narrow specialisms. We will be teaching STEM through project based learning, cross curricular and cross phase How is STEM taught?

8 gSTEM Action at Gomer Wednesday morning timetable dedicated to gSTEM teaching 1 gSTEM assembly a week Weekly STEM club gSTEM based GLC & TLC Science week 11-20 th March 2016 iSTEM+ Cluster collaborative gSTEM events throughout the year

9 gSTEM Project Theme Map Star Wars The Space Race Future life savers iSTEM cluster & Science weeks Sports Science – The Olympics Powering the next generation Activities Getting into space – rocket physics Space vehicles– home learning Our Solar system Tim Peake’s Principia mission Programming Crumble controlled moon buggies STEM in the world of medicine How motors have changed our lives. Prosthetic limbs TBC Biomimicry Sportswear design Maximising athletic performance Sustainable living – Gomer Growers Environmentall y friendly power generation Aims: Scientific content: Physics, Chemistry and Biology have even coverage. Technology: introducing new technologies, including programming. Engineering: (including Mathematics) gSTEM Engineering and DT design wheel used throughout every project.

10 gSTEM Wheel Think - What does your design need to do? Research - what can you find out about the problem? Imagine - Come up with ideas/possible solutions. Plan - select a design that seems the best solution Create - make a model or prototype of your design Test and evaluate Communicate - tell people about it. Improve - Redesign to make it better.

11 Any questions? 9.15 – 9.45 Please feel free to spend time visiting your child’s class

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