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Marshal Graham January 16, 2012. A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. A confidence artist is an.

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Presentation on theme: "Marshal Graham January 16, 2012. A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. A confidence artist is an."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marshal Graham January 16, 2012

2 A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. A confidence artist is an individual working alone or in concert with others who exploits characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty and honesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, naivety and greed. A confidence trick is also (non-exhaustively) known as a con game, con, scam, grift, hustle, bunko, bunco, swindle, flimflam, gaffle, or bamboozle. The intended victim(s) are known as marks. The perpetrator of a confidence trick is often referred to as a confidence man/woman, con man/woman, con artist or grifter. When accomplices are employed, they are known as shills.



5 1.People are the weakest link in computer security


7 1.People are the weakest link in computer security. 2.Bad guys use social engineering to exploit our natural curiosity, desire to be helpful, and other traits to their advantage.



10 1.People are the weakest link in computer security. 2.Bad guys use social engineering to exploit our natural curiosity, desire to be helpful, and other traits to their advantage. 3.The bad guys only need to get it right once to profit.

11 419 scams or Advance Fee Fraud has existed for decades An Ultrascan Advanced Global Investigations report from 2009 suggests less than 1% of 419 scams are successful This amounts to an estimated $9.3 billion lost in 2009.

12 1.People are the weakest link in computer security. 2.Bad guys use social engineering to exploit our natural curiosity, desire to be helpful, and other traits to their advantage. 3.The bad guys only need to get it right once to profit. 4.Everyone has something of value online.

13 Personal Bank accounts Retirement accounts Investment accounts Email Facebook PII Work Student records Email Bank accounts PII To the bad guys, all of these represent money or an avenue to gain money.

14 1.People are the weakest link in computer security. 2.Bad guys use social engineering to exploit our natural curiosity, desire to be helpful, and other traits to their advantage. 3.The bad guys only need to get it right once to profit. 4.Everyone has something of value online.

15 1.Urgency


17 1.The scam will convey some sense of Urgency. Make a bad decision, fast! 2.Online scams historically have bad grammar.

18 You wouldn’t buy these crackers. Don’t buy from the bad grammar scammer!

19 1.The scam will convey some sense of Urgency. Make a bad decision, fast! 2.Scammers typically have bad grammar. 3.The offer is too good to be true.



22 1.The scam will convey some sense of Urgency. Make a bad decision, fast! 2.Scammers typically have bad grammar. 3.The offer is too good to be true. 4.Something is just not quite right.

23 You are told you have won a prize, but you must pay for something before you can receive it. This payment can either be a requirement to purchase a minimum order, or it can be a shipping/handling charge or a processing fee. You are told to make an immediate decision. You are told you are one of the few people eligible for an offer. You are told you won a drawing, yet you do not remember entering the contest.

24 1.The scam will convey some sense of Urgency. Make a bad decision, fast! 2.Scammers typically have bad grammar. 3.The offer is too good to be true. 4.Something is just not quite right. Sometimes, the best thing is to walk away

25 1.Be a vigilant at all times.

26 Do not risk becoming a victim just to get something for free. You did not need that iPad before it was free. You do not need to risk becoming a victim to get it now. Vigilance is like Scam Repellent.

27 1.Be a vigilant at all times. 2.Pay attention to the details.


29 1.Be a vigilant at all times. 2.Pay attention to the details. 3.Use a good password passphrase, never reuse a passphrase, and change your passphrase regularly. 4.Never click on links. Always type the URL into your browser.

30 Hyperlinks are trivial to spoof. If you get an email claiming to be from your bank, do not click the link. Instead, visit the bank’s site to ensure you do not become a victim. This is difficult to train yourself to do!

31 1.Be a vigilant at all times. 2.Pay attention to the details. 3.Use a good password passphrase, never reuse a passphrase, and change your passphrase regularly. 4.Never click on links. Always type the URL into your browser. 5.Always read the fine print and the bold print too!

32 If you do not understand what you are seeing, ask for help!

33 1.Be a vigilant at all times. 2.Pay attention to the details. 3.Use a good password passphrase, never reuse a passphrase, and change your passphrase regularly. 4.Never click on links. Always type the URL into your browser. 5.Always read the fine print and the bold print too! 6.Talk to a human.


35 1.Be a vigilant at all times. 2.Pay attention to the details. 3.Use a good password passphrase, never reuse a passphrase, and change your passphrase regularly. 4.Never click on links. Always type the URL into your browser. 5.Always read the fine print and the bold print too! 6.Talk to a human.

36 E-cards Phishing Work at home Donations Alarmists or threats Lottery Fake AntiVirus And even more! There is a scam for everyone!

37 Scammers will get better. Technology will improve. The stakes will increase. Scams will never end. My six rules will still give you an advantage!

38 Be a vigilant at all times. Pay attention to the details. Use a good password passphrase, never reuse a passphrase, and change your passphrase regularly. Never click on links. Always type the URL into your browser. Always read the fine print and the bold print too! Talk to a human. @marshalgraham quiz/ quiz/ nline-privacy/phishing-scams.aspx nline-privacy/phishing-scams.aspx nline-privacy/msname.aspx nline-privacy/msname.aspx nline-privacy/phishing-interests.aspx nline-privacy/phishing-interests.aspx

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