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The Ch’i-lin Purse Day 3. Why is honesty important?

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Presentation on theme: "The Ch’i-lin Purse Day 3. Why is honesty important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ch’i-lin Purse Day 3

2 Why is honesty important?

3 Do you think Hisang-ling deserves praise for giving away her purse? Why or why not? Do you think Hsiang-ling’s mother nurtured her daughter properly?

4 Suffixes –tion, -ion When you add the suffix to a word, you change what the word means. The suffix –tion and –ion changes a verb into a noun that means “the state or result of”.

5 Let’s try to figure out what these words mean: Imitation Inflammation Association Hesitation pollution

6 Folk tales are stories or legends that are told over and over from one generation to the next. They often will have examples of magic: helpful animals, granted wishes, etc. Sometimes the hero is aided by supernatural forces, and accomplish what seems to be impossible tasks that save the day.

7 o Selflessness - is the concern for other people’s needs before your own o If your friend forgets her lunch, how can you show selflessness to her? o Aid- means to give support to someone or to help people o The Red Cross aids victims of natural disasters and other catastrophes.

8 Astonished- syn.- surprised shocked, surprised Behavior- syn.-way of acting the way a person acts or behaves Teach your partner these words.

9 Benefactor- someone who helps someone out financially with no expectation of payback Distribution- syn.- giving out To give or pass out something TEACH YOUR PARTNER THESE WORDS

10 gratitude- syn.- thankfulness To be grateful or thankful Procession-syn.-group moving together A group of people or animals moving together TEACH YOUR PARTNER THESE WORDS

11 Recommend- syn.-heartily suggest To suggest or offer Sacred – syn.- holy Something that is considered holy Traditions- things that you do for certain events TEACH YOUR PARTNER THESE WORDS

12 Action and Linking verbs She flies the plane. Flies-action Birds peck at the birdfood. Peck-action They are not hungry. Are-linking I feel sad today. Feel-action

13 R controlled vowels

14 Lets take a look at our Daily Fix it

15 Poems include: Verse Rhyme Rhythm They use techniques like: Onomatopoeia-words imitate sounds Assonance-repetition of vowel sounds Alliteration- repetition of beginning letter sounds

16 Eldorado by Edgar Allen Poe Gaily bedight, A gallant knight, In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song, In search of Eldorado. But he grew old- This knight so bold- And o’er his heart a shadow Fell as he found No spot of ground That looked like Eldorado. And, as his strength Failed him at length, He met a pilgrim shadow- “Shadow,” said he, “Where can it be- This land of Eldorado?” “Over the Mountains Of the Moon, Down the Valley of the Shadow, Ride, boldly ride,” The shade replied- “If you seek for Eldorado!”

17 Assonance The repetition of vowel sounds. In “Eldorado” Edgar Allen Poe uses assonance. Examples: Eldorado, shadow, old, over, boldly, no In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song, In search of Eldorado.

18 The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “Tis some visitor,’ I muttered, ‘tapping at my chamber door- Only this, and nothing more.’ Alliteration: While I pondered weak and weary See if you can find anymore examples in the poem. Work with your partner to underline the examples.

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