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FRACTIONS  Fraction is a number that can represent part of a whole.

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2 FRACTIONS  Fraction is a number that can represent part of a whole

3  All fractions consists of a ◦ Numerator (top number) which identifies how many parts are being considered AND ◦ Denominator (bottom number) which tells how many parts the entire group is divided up into. 5656

4  Regular Fraction: The Numerator is smaller than the Denominator. Example: 2/5  Improper Fraction: The Numerator is larger than the Denominator. Example: 5/2  Mixed Fraction: There is a whole number added to the regular fraction. Example: 1 1/3

5  In Grade 7 there are Expectations regarding Fractions that must be addressed under Number Sense and Numeration.  OVERALL EXPECTATIONS Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions, and apply a variety of computational strategies to solve problems involving whole numbers and decimal numbers.

6  We need to know fractions because……… Accounting is a job that involves fractions. Accountants have to deal with fractions of a dollar all the time. Realistically, any job that deals with numbers (science, mathematics, etc...) will also involve fractions.

7  The clock ("a quarter 'till").  Electricians (gauge/length of wires).  Plumbing (thickness of pipe, diameter of pipe, length of pipe).  Carpenters (thickness/length/width of wood).  Engineers (just math equations).  Metal fabrication (length/width/gauge of metal).  Taxes/budgeting (obvious math involved).  Cooking (measurements like HALF a cup...).  In your car (km PER hour, km PER liter).  Paying for things in general (1 penny is 1/100 of a dollar, writing out checks.)

8  Equivalent Percents and Fractions ◦ For example: 10% = 1/10 OR 20% = 1/5  How to convert mixed fraction into Improper fraction ◦ For example: 2 ½ = 5/2 OR 4 ¾ = 19/4  How to write each fraction in lowest terms ◦ For example: 20/30= 2/3 OR 15/24 = 5/8 Please work on Page 305 # 1-3



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