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AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 1.

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1 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 1

2 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 CASE STUDIES

3 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 3 Q1. An archer has just shot his three arrows end in his normal rhythm, but when he sees no yellow light (which he usually does) after his third shot, he is a bit confused of the number of arrows he actually has shot. Therefore he shoots a fourth arrow, a bad shot. However, it turns out to have been an error with the timing, so the yellow light was switched on 20 sec. too late. He has the following score: 10-9-9-5, and if only the lower three arrows are scored, he will lose his qualifying place by one point. You are one of the judges and must give your opinion in this matter.

4 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 4 Q2. When an archer is releasing his shot, his carbon arrow splits into several pieces. Approximately half of the arrow disappears into the grass half way to the target, while a big part of the arrow (the one with vanes and nock) falls down close by the archer, well inside of the 3m line. Are you considering this arrow shot, or not shot?

5 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 5 Q3. At an occasion the chairman of Judges Commission was called to a target where a judge had just decided on an arrow value. The archer, however, was angry because the judge during his call leaned against the target face, and therefore claimed another judge to call that arrow. The chairman, though, refused to institute another check on that arrow value. What would you have done if you were the chairman?

6 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 6 Q4. At an indoor championships, in a quarter final shoot-off the DoS made a mistake and started the stop shooting audible signal a couple of seconds before the time was out. Archer A released his arrow at the same time – or upon the signal – and shot a 9. He thereby lost the match as archer B shot a 10. However, the judge(s) took action and decided that the arrow should be shot again, which was agreed by archer B who thought it would be fair due to the signal mistake. The arrow was reshot and now archer A shot a 10 and a second shoot-off took place. Archer A won the match. What is your opinion about this case?

7 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 7 Q5. In an indoor event, with two sets of scorecards, upon a match end the archers discovered that the same archer's score were put on both scorecards, and no score was given to his opponent. In addition both archer had the feeling that it was a tight match and possibly the other was the winner. As one face (triple face) of the archer with no score was changed (and taken away) during the match, there was no possibility to count back any scores, and no PDA's were in use for unofficial scoring. The Judge in the situation disqualifies both archers for not applying a correct conduct of scoring. What is your opinion re a proper solution?

8 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 8 Q6. At a tournament during shooting something happened at the release of one archer, causing his arrow to make a solid vault in the air and landing in front of the shooting line to the far left of the archer (approx. 6 meters). The arrow was lying approx. 2 meters in front of the shooting line, but no 3 metre line was - by a mistake - marked on the ground. The judge at the spot was of the opinion that the arrow was shot, but another judge was not (agreeing with him). What is your casting vote on this matter?

9 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 9 Q7. At a World Championship event, during the venue inspection it was noted that there were some issues related to the adequacy of the venue, the following was report to you as the Judges’ Commission Chairman; (a)all the target stands being used are to short, so much so, that when the target faces (122cm) are attached to the target butts (124cm), the centre of the target faces are 123 cm from the ground. (b) The target numbers are placed directly underneath the target butt, and the numbers are only 28 cm in height, the numbers are on alternating white and black backgrounds. (c) The wind flags are placed above the targets butts, they are a yellow colour and are placed 35cms above the target butt, the flags’ shape alternates between square and triangular. (d) The target numbers at the shooting line are placed 0.5m beyond the 3 metre line. As chairman what would you do?

10 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 10 Q8. At an International Indoor Championships Archer A from country X claimed to have a pass-through in his second end. There was a nice hole in the middle centre 10 which was from the 1st end and the archer claimed to have hit it again and thus having a pass-through. The arrow was lying on the floor behind the buttress, and could have been stopped by the stop net hanging behind the buttresses. Archer B from country Y called a judge as he disagreed that a pass through had occurred, as there were no tell-tale signs of a pass through neither on the face nor on the arrow. He claimed it was a miss shot. The judge, who turned out to be from country, X, talked with archer A (in their personal language) and declared the arrow to be a 10 and the face and buttress was removed/changed. The team captain of archer B then protested immediately upon the information from his archer; claiming that the judge did not made the proper check to find out if a pass through really had occurred – and also on the fact that the Judge should not have involved in a match with his own countryman. The Jury dismissed the protest, as they claimed that only one judge decides on scores and therefore the protest was not valid. Do you agree with the Jury decision?

11 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 11 Q9. During shooting at an event you suddenly discover an archer using an anchor plate on his tab that continued into a thin plastic rod which made a huge half loop. The half loop was hooked around the archer’s neck and thus kept his drawing hand steady at the cheekbone upon release. You approached the archer (and his coach) claiming that this anchor plate was not allowed to use due to it’s construction, giving additional release aid. The archer, however, said that he had specifically shown his tab to a Judge at the equipment inspection and got the permission to use it. He claimed it would be unfair to ask him to replace it in the middle of the shoot, as he was in good faith. The Judge in question confirmed the incident and said that the rules don’t specify the shape of the anchor plate. (a)Do you agree with the Judge who inspected the equipment? Give your consideration. (b) In case you find the item illegal, would it be fair to ask the archer to change it when he has already been given the permission to use it?

12 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 12 Q10. During an indoor tournament shot at 18 m there are 3 archers on a target shooting in AB/CD rhythm. During an end, archer C, who is alone for shooting, shots his first arrow of the end, which rebounds and falls on the ground making a noise in the process. After completing the end, he calls for a judge. The judge having assessed the situation informs the DoS, that there is a bouncer, and he and the archer move toward the target. After checking the target face, the Judge notes that there is an arrow in the upper face, which is a ten, and also an unmarked hole in the 7 point zone, no arrow and no unmarked holes in the middle face, and in the bottom face an arrow which is a nine, along with an unmarked hole also in the 7 point zone. If you were the Judge what score would you give archer C? And why?

13 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 13 Q11. In a Youth Championship, twenty seconds before the time runs out, you are called by an archer who has got an equipment failure (some problems with the sight screws), and who has one arrow left of that end. It is obvious that the archer needs some time to repair, and the scoring of this end takes place. After the next end has finished you approach the archer, who is quite new to archery, to see if he is ready to shoot his non- shot arrow in order to catch up in the competition. The archer looks surprised and informs you that he has repaired his sight and shot the remaining arrow together with the other three arrows of the last end. How do you take care of the situation?

14 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 14 Q12. During a FITA-round there were three archers: 1A – 1B – 1C at each target. On one target, at the start of day two – shooting at 50m – the B and C archers changed shooting positions; 1C standing in the middle and 1B standing right. When they moved to 30m and a three-centre target set up, the announcer repeatedly told the archers to remember to shoot as follows: A to the left, B in the middle and C bottom right. However, at target 1 the archers still kept their positions; C in the middle and B to the right. However, in the first end, both archers shot at the bottom right face. You as a judge are called to the target to take care of the scoring, as the archers now did not know how to score these arrows. What would you do?

15 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 15 Q13. In a bronze medal match archer A is 3 points ahead after 9 arrows. “Archer B” is aiming at the target to shoot her 10th arrow when one of her bow limbs breaks and hits “Archer A” in her chin, causing her to bleed. There is lots of blood running down from her chin. “Archer A” asks the judge to stop the match for a couple of minutes so that her coach can help her stop her bleeding. She says she needs a band-aid in her chin, mainly because that is her anchoring position. The judge says that the rules are clear: no additional time can be given to an archer for any reason whatsoever. What would you have done if you had been the judge?

16 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 16 Q14. In a semi-final match, third end, of a competition archer A shot one arrow out of time, but upon scoring his opponent archer B said that he would not like to win the match in that way and announced that he would accept the score. This was highly appreciated by the spectators, commentator and the Judge as the ultimate fair play and thus no score was deducted. When the match was finished, archer A had the highest score and was declared the winner of the match. Approximately at the same time, the winner of the other semi-final, archer C was aware of what had happened and filed a protest – as he would rather meet archer B in the finals as he had a good statistic vis-à-vis archer B. What would be your decision in such a case?

17 AAF/FITA Judges’ Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2010 17

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