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Tattoo Removal and Prison Ministries. Ask yourself this; What is driving our youth to Prison? In School In Tamara Prison.

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Presentation on theme: "Tattoo Removal and Prison Ministries. Ask yourself this; What is driving our youth to Prison? In School In Tamara Prison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tattoo Removal and Prison Ministries

2 Ask yourself this; What is driving our youth to Prison? In School In Tamara Prison

3 Is it the Lack of? Is the reason being that there isn’t enough opportunity for a child that is from a Barrio or Colonia? Is it because that 4 out 5 children in Honduras are being abused? Is the word of God reaching their homes? Lino showing us donated school supplies Tamara Prison

4 So why are the youth convinced that power comes from Gang Life? Ex Leaders from the MS 13 th and 18 thSt Gangs

5 With the Word of God and faith to go in and teach more about Him New ex-gang member section inside Tamara Prison. Currently there are 74 plus men.

6 We can start to erase the past: On average a gang member doesn’t live past 25 years of age. On average each gang member lives up to the meaning of the 3 points they tattoo on their bodies; prison life, hospital, and death. Normally the 3 points are tattooed on the hand or face.

7 Tattoos represent more than art Each tattoo represents growth in the gang, life style in the gang, death of fellow gang members, and or death to those he/she has murdered. In order for a gang member to receive the gang # (13, 18) they must have killed someone to complete a mission. The bigger the web the higher the person is in the gang

8 Since 2005 we have been erasing Tattoos Border Buddies Ministries has erased more than 300 tattoos. In 2009 BBM introduced a laser removal machine. Inside Tamara Prison

9 The painful truth in erasing ones past Depending on the ink you may end up with major blistering as seen in top photo. Or you may end up with scabs as seen in bottom photo. All leading to erasing the memories of what they were.

10 One more 18 th St. Ex-Gang member clean This man was in hiding in LaPaz Prison from the 18 th st gang. Top photo with tattoo. Bottom photo clean from tattoo.

11 More photos of those who are clean This is where the 3 points wereThe number 18 was on this arm

12 Time is running out for these men because of who they were Both of these men died inside Tamara Prison 2009 For being an ex-gang member

13 We can change men in the name of Jesus! Ex-gang members hiding in LaPaz Prison New believers inside LaPaz Prison

14 All we need is your support Prayer and financial support of our tattoo removal program is needed. It costs on average $5 per session per person. Please pray about supporting BBM Inc. so we can continue to bring those to Jesus Christ and empower us to erase the markings that led or lead to death.

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