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1… 的答案 2 放弃 3 回到 … 上 / 回归 4 简单的生活方式 5 在国外生活 6 在某人 40 多岁时 7 回到 返回到 … 上 8 有个美好的将来 9. 看起来与 … 不同 the answer to… give up get back to… a simple way of life.

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Presentation on theme: "1… 的答案 2 放弃 3 回到 … 上 / 回归 4 简单的生活方式 5 在国外生活 6 在某人 40 多岁时 7 回到 返回到 … 上 8 有个美好的将来 9. 看起来与 … 不同 the answer to… give up get back to… a simple way of life."— Presentation transcript:


2 1… 的答案 2 放弃 3 回到 … 上 / 回归 4 简单的生活方式 5 在国外生活 6 在某人 40 多岁时 7 回到 返回到 … 上 8 有个美好的将来 9. 看起来与 … 不同 the answer to… give up get back to… a simple way of life live abroad in one’s 40s go back to have a bright future look different from

3 1. 车库 2. 修理;安装 3. 乱扔;垃圾 4. 三明治 5. 火腿 6. 洋葱 7. 豌豆 8. 流行的 9. 行动 10. 罚款 11. 表达 12. 可乐 13. 古典的 garage fix litter sandwich ham union pea pop action fine express cola classical

4 14. 放弃做 …. 15. 回到 … 上 / 回归 …. 16. 看起来与 … 不同 17. … 的答案 18. 在他 40 多岁时 19. keep sb. __________ 20. cause sth. _______ 1. 修理;安装 2. 乱扔;垃圾 3. 三明治 4. 火腿 5. 洋葱 6. 豌豆 7. 流行的 8. 行动 9. 罚款 10. garage 11. express 12. Cola 13. classical

5 Listening

6 B Questions about the environment Ben is asking his classmates some questions about environment. Listen to the conversation and complete the table below.

7 Question 1: A lot of black smoke comes out of your uncle’s car 1._____ will ask him to get it fixed. A. Lucy B. Tony 2. Tony won’t ride in his car until it is ____. A. fixed B. good 3. Joyce will do ____ about it. A. something B. nothing 4. Does Jessica agree with Joyce? A. Yes. B. No.

8 Question 2: Your parents bring home a lot of plastic bags and then throw then away 1. Jessica will buy her mother a big ____. A. shopping basket B. shopping bag 2. Tony will go shopping with them and take some old bags to _____. A. use B. use again 3. Lucy will ask them to _____ the old bags. A. recycle B. throw 4. Joyce will do ____ about it. A. something B. nothing

9 Question 3: See someone littering in the countryside 1. Jessica will ____. A. do nothing B. call the police 2. Tony think they should pay a fine of ____. A. ¥ 50 B. ¥ 500 3. Lucy think they should _____. A. pay a fine B. go to prison C. A & B 4. Joyce think it’s ____ for that person to go to prison. A. OK B. too much

10 1. 叫人修理它 2. 直到 … 才 … 3. 尽快 4. 多达十个塑料袋 5. 帮某人做某事 6. 付 … 的罚款 7. 坐牢 get it fixed as soon as possible pay a fine of … go to prison as many as ten plastic bags not … until help sb. with sth. = go to jail


12 Oral Practice Make similar conversations: Food: rice, noodles, fish, roast duck Sandwiches: ham, chicken, beef, vegetable Soup: onion, potato, tomato, pea

13 Which do you prefer to read, storybooks, textbooks or magazines? The things they read (storybooks, textbooks, magazines, etc.

14 Which do you prefer to listen to, pop, classical, Chinese? The music they listen to (pop, classical, Chinese, etc.

15 The TV programmes they watch (cartoon, news, plays, etc.) Which do you prefer to watch, cartoon, news or plays?

16 Which film do you prefer to watch, action, war, love or comedy? The film they watch, (action, war, love or comedy, etc)

17 The kind of holidays they go (camping, travelling or shopping, etc. Which kind of holidays do you prefer to go on, camping, travelling or shopping?

18 P105 warm sb. up 使某人活跃起来 P106 prefer to do …. 宁愿做 ….


20 P106 know of 知道 …. ; 熟悉 …. write about 写作 P107 inform sb about 知会 / 通知某人某事 deal with 处理 如何处理 how to deal with / what to do with More Practice

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