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Presented By: Gunjan Pathak, Advocate Legal Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Gunjan Pathak, Advocate Legal Terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Gunjan Pathak, Advocate Legal Terms

2 De jure Of right, by law;lawful;legitimate It is the contrary of de facto De futuro Regarding the future; at a future period. De hors Outside of; unconnected with; unrelated to. De novo A new, new or as if new, a second time, again.

3 Per incuriam (Lat.) Through inadvertence or through want of care (Of a judicial decision) wrongly decided, usually because the judge or judges were ill-informed about the applicable law A decision should be treated as given per incuriam when it is given in ignorance in terms of a statue.

4 Ex parte By one side, or one party; hence partial, done for or by one party. Ex facie (Appearing) form the face, apparently Prima facie (Lat.) Prima facie (Lat.) At first sight, on the first appearance; so far as can be judged from the first disclosure At first sight, on the first appearance; so far as can be judged from the first disclosure

5 Pari passu(lat) With equal step, with simultaneous progress With equal step, with simultaneous progress In limine In limine At the outset At the outset Rule nisi Rule nisi A rule which will become imperative and final unless cause be shown against it. A rule which will become imperative and final unless cause be shown against it.

6 Rule absolute Rule absolute A rule to show cause upon which on hearing, the court has made a preemptory order, that the party shall do as the rule requires. A rule to show cause upon which on hearing, the court has made a preemptory order, that the party shall do as the rule requires. Rule of Court Rule of Court An order made either between partiers to a suit on motion: or to regulate the practice of the court An order made either between partiers to a suit on motion: or to regulate the practice of the court Quid pro quo (Lat.) Quid pro quo (Lat.) The giving of one thing of value for another thing of value.

7 Sub Sub means subordinate e.g sub agent, sub contractor, sub section means subordinate e.g sub agent, sub contractor, sub section Sub Judice Sub Judice Before the judge or court, pending decision of a competent court Before the judge or court, pending decision of a competent court Functus officio(lat) Functus officio(lat) A term applied to some thing which has had a life and power, but which has become of no virtue whatsoever. Thus, when an agent has completed the business with which he has entrusted his agency is Functus officio. A term applied to some thing which has had a life and power, but which has become of no virtue whatsoever. Thus, when an agent has completed the business with which he has entrusted his agency is Functus officio.

8 Quasi contracts This terms means “ is some times applied both to cases of true contract, where an actual agreement is inferred from the conduct of the parties, although no agreement is expressed, and sometimes to cases where there being in fact no agreement at all, the plaintiff is permitted to use the form of an action of contract in order to recover against the defendant. It is properly applicable to the latter class of cases only. This terms means “ is some times applied both to cases of true contract, where an actual agreement is inferred from the conduct of the parties, although no agreement is expressed, and sometimes to cases where there being in fact no agreement at all, the plaintiff is permitted to use the form of an action of contract in order to recover against the defendant. It is properly applicable to the latter class of cases only. Contd...

9 Quasi Corporation Quasi Corporation It is a body which exercises functions of a corporate character, but which has not ben incorporated. It is a body which exercises functions of a corporate character, but which has not ben incorporated. Quasi criminal Quasi criminal A law requiring that the criminal court of a country shall have jurisdiction in cases of a quasi criminal nature is intended to embrace and include all offences in the nature of crimes which are punishable. A law requiring that the criminal court of a country shall have jurisdiction in cases of a quasi criminal nature is intended to embrace and include all offences in the nature of crimes which are punishable. Contd...

10 Quasi judicial When the law commits to an officer the duty of looking into certain facts not in a way which it specially directs, but after a discretion in its nature judicial, the function is quasi judicial. When the law commits to an officer the duty of looking into certain facts not in a way which it specially directs, but after a discretion in its nature judicial, the function is quasi judicial.

11 Sine dilatione Without delay Without delay Sine decreto Without authority of the judge Without authority of the judge Sine die Without day Without day

12 Thank You Vedanta Law Chambers Jaipur

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