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DOREMI – User Engagement Michael Spellman The ExtraCare Charitable Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "DOREMI – User Engagement Michael Spellman The ExtraCare Charitable Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOREMI – User Engagement Michael Spellman The ExtraCare Charitable Trust

2 DOREMI – Pilot  DOREMI will be piloted with older people (65 to 85) within their own home  Involvement of 40 people (20 from Italy and 20 from the UK) split into control and test participants  The pilot has 3 phases

3 DOREMI – Pilot Phases 1.Preparatory – collecting of baseline data (10 days) 2.Training – enable the participants to use the equipment independently (15 days) 3.Intervention – evaluate the effectiveness of the DOREMI interventions (60 days)

4 DOREMI – Outcomes Development of issues End of Life Independent, active, healthy lifestyle. Better quality of life Loss of independence, reliance on care. Reductions in quality of life Interventions

5 DOREMI – Outcomes Identify ways to…  Retain positive physical and mental wellbeing  Support a person to stay independent for longer, maintain quality of life, slow decline Achieve these positive outcomes through the use of technology

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