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The Iberian Background Spain during the Reconquista.

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Presentation on theme: "The Iberian Background Spain during the Reconquista."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Iberian Background Spain during the Reconquista

2 Medieval Spain and the “Reconquista” The “Moors” Occupy Visigothic Hispania  Battle of Tours, 711 Al-Andalus and the Ummayads  A Syncretic Society  The Jewish and Christian Presence (dhimmi) Reconquest Warfare  Repoblación A Warrior Class: Conquistadores The Importance of Catholicism







9 Iberian Society in the Late Middle Ages King and Nobles  Señorialism Contrasts with Feudalism The Clergy  The Inquisition  Patronato Real The Idea of Fueros “Commoners”  Vecinos Outsiders  Jews and Conversos

10 Spain and Europe in an Age of Exploration The Unification of Spain  Fernando (Aragon) and Isabella (Castile) The Renaissance Influence The Ideological Framework of Mercantilism A Catholic Crusade?  The “Just War” The Reconquest Mentality  The Conquistadores in the Indies


12 Early European Expansion The Portuguese  Prince Henry (“The Navigator”) Cristoforo Colombo  Spanish Patronage The Voyages of Columbus The Beginnings of Spain’s American Empire


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