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MSD-II P ROJECT R EVIEW Modular Motion Tracking Sensors 1.

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Presentation on theme: "MSD-II P ROJECT R EVIEW Modular Motion Tracking Sensors 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSD-II P ROJECT R EVIEW Modular Motion Tracking Sensors 1

2 A GENDA Current State Budget Update Project Plan Risk Assessment Individual Team Member Status Deliverables Checklist and Online Status Rubric Review 2

3 F INAL S TATE OF D ESIGN Design is functional Meets all engineering specifications except Measurement of shift –discussed this with the customer and it is an option for future designs Budget requirements - $1000 allowed, $735.76 spent After changing scope, we used the more expensive Razor IMU for both systems This caused a slight budget overrun for the knee device On schedule with exception of rescheduled D3 meetings ExpectedActual Dr. Mowder$300$315 Dr. Barbanounlimited$315

4 4

5 G ROUP C OMMUNICATION Intra-group Communication Weekly progress updates and weekly task assignments Regular weekly meetings in small groups with whole group meeting on Friday Frequent emails Inter-group Communication Critical to establish early in MSD II because: Poor communication first quarter System integration was pivotal Set up weekly meetings between the groups Went well initially with goals and problems being shared Quickly degenerated 5

6 C ODE L IBRARY Important to keep old revisions in case an issue with the new code appeared Repository set up on Mike’s laptop Regularly updated code on the lab computers Centralized on the Edge page for easier access by all members Includes instructions for program installation 6

7 R ESULTS SpecificationExpectedActual Measurement Tilt: +/- 80˚ Rotation: +/- 100˚ Tilt: +/- 90˚ Rotation: +/- 180˚ Accuracy5-10˚ Roll: within 5˚ Pitch: within 10˚ Yaw: within 8˚ Precision5-10˚ Roll: 2˚ Pitch: 6˚ Yaw: 2˚ Speed of attachment/removal 2 minutes/5 seconds28 seconds/3 seconds


9 P ROJECT P LAN C OMPARISON Moved some dates back Meeting with D3 Writing algorithms for determining angles Test prototype with an operator Test sensors with Base Unit team We were ahead on some tasks Technical paper Poster Removed some items Testing on mannequin Test enclosure strength 9


11 R ISK A SSESSMENT Contacting our customers and scheduling meetings with them proved to be one of the most relevant risks. The device not meeting customer needs was also something that was a possible risk up until week nine. Not being able to communicate with the base unit was another risk we had to address

12 R ECOMMENDATIONS Being able to measure shift of the head would be something desired by Dr. Barbano in the future. Dr. Barbano also voiced a need to have something on the device that helped him to level the device on the patient so that human error was reduced or even eliminated. Dr. Mowder suggested using Dysom or some other rubber- like material to prevent the strap on the calf from slipping Add snaps on the test rig to precisely line up enclosure

13 I NDIVIDUAL T EAM M EMBERS S TATUS What were your personal responsibilities and where are you against your plan (compare to your original plan)? Have you utilized your plan effectively in MSD II and is your current assessment of status realistic? 13

14 M AYA R AMASWAMY, ISE Responsibilities Project Organization Lead Create and update project plan Keep track of task completion Assist with Ergonomics and Attachment Created attachment method prototypes Created test plans and tested attachment methods Assist rest of team Helped with sensor testing 14

15 M AYA R AMASWAMY, ISE MSD II Plan Order components Update bill of materials Update project plan Weekly agenda Observe at Dr. Mowder’s clinic Finalize attachment and enclosure test plans Testing on patients, teammates, operators Assist on technical paper, poster, conference publications Status Everything is on status except for Testing on patients Testing on mannequin Attachment testing continued longer than I thought, and I continuously modified the plan 15

16 B RITTANY B OCHETTE, EE Responsibilities Sensors for Knee Device Research various knee sensors and their feasibility for this project. Specify and Clarify Customer Needs Meet with the customer to update and clarify customer needs 16

17 B RITTANY B OCHETTE, EE MSD II Plan Observe at Dr. Barbano’s Clinic Help with sensor algorithms Test sensors Status Took longer than expected for the algorithms due to limited knowledge on the subject, project plan was adjusted accordingly All tasks completed on time 17

18 M ICHAEL O STERTAG, EE Responsibilities Engineering Lead Assemble electrical components of the device Provide assistance in developing algorithms and test programs for determining orientation Liaison between groups Communicate meeting times, notes, needs, and revised specifications with base unit group Develop a communication protocol between the two devices 18

19 M ICHAEL O STERTAG, EE MSD II Plan Meet with D3 Engineering to review protocol needs Write the interface control document and resulting communication protocol Assemble the circuitry Test sensor connections with base unit team Test the prototype on Dr. Gombatto’s system Assist with testing the device Assist on technical paper, poster, and conference publications Status Meeting with D3 Engineering was delayed by a week due to lack of response Ended up heading the algorithm development after difficulties were encountered Developed additional test software since base unit was not ready My portions of the paper arrived later than desired due to weekly changing of algorithms while under development 19

20 A NDREI S TIHI, ME Responsibilities Test Stand Redesigned old test stand to allow motion independently in the X, Y, and Z directions. Enclosure design Designed an enclosure to be easily attached to any attachment method and protect the sensor. Attachment methods Aided in developing attachment methods for the head and legs. 20

21 A NDREI S TIHI, ME MSD II Plan Complete enclosure design Complete test stand Complete attachment methods Status Universal enclosure design completed Test stand allows for independent motion in all directions needed Head and leg attachments work as expected 21

22 Responsibilities Researched and evaluated sensors for head tilt system; provided information to team members and posted on EDGE Created test plans for sensors and enclosure for head tilt system Took notes at all meetings and posted to EDGE 22 L INDSEY C LARK, EE

23 MSD II Plan Observe at Dr. Barbano’s clinic Help with sensor algorithms Testing sensors Status Observed at clinic multiple times, reported back to team and posted interesting findings Helped a little with algorithms, but only had limited knowledge Testing sensors weekly, posting results and descriptions on EDGE Everything completed on time 23 L INDSEY C LARK, EE

24 Rubric Updates Deliverables Checklist 24

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