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Published byJustin Caldwell Modified over 9 years ago
Joint Buxton Voices 26 th February 2016
Attendance at Buxton Voices so far this academic year Each representative earns 10 House Points every time they attend a meeting. Shakespeare House is leading the field so far…. HouseTuringShakespeareCurieParksGandhiWoolf Total Attendance 88127 87857884 x108801270870850780840
Each meeting starts with a News Quiz = House Points Gandhi House is leading the field so far…. Tip # 1 The bigger the House Team the better Tip # 2 The more you watch the News the more you will know Buxton Voices’ News Quizzes DateTuringShakespeareCurieParksGandhiWoolf 15th January (Secondary) 120100 22nd Jan (Primary)No Quiz today 29th Jan (Joint) 120 5th Feb (Secondary) 120100 12th Feb (Primary) 100120 26th Feb Joint 80 120100 Totals 320220200340 220
Miss Bennett - Primary PE Sport Relief and Buxton School 18 th March 2016
Sport Relief One Mile Challenge Please open Hyperlinks below #proud: Eddie Izzard Marathon Man: Where the money goes:
Every student and teacher is going to take part in Buxton 1 mile challenge Everyone will receive a letter to give to parents explaining about the event and a sponsorship form every student needs to collect as many sponsors as possible. When it is your year groups time slot on the Friday 18 th March you will walk to the Flats and start your 1 mile challenge. You can run or walk, but make yourself proud!!! You bring your sponsorship money into school on the 18 th March. Please make sure you fill in the slip on the letter with your NAME, your HOUSE, the AMOUNT OF MONEY you have raised. You will then hand it into the school office. Office staff will count the money and it will be sent off to Sports Relief. Mrs Bennett will collect in all the slips and work out which House as raised the most money. WHY DO THIS? To challenge yourself to complete the mile. To support your house and do your part to raise money to help your house win. BUT most of all do this because you CARE about those who are less fortunate than you. Do this and feel PROUD that you were apart of something huge and played your part.
Head Boy & Girl Election Campaign Films Please open Hyperlink below to see films.
Buxton Voices Trip to visit the Mayor Wed 9 th March – 0900 to 1230 Shakespeare3V Daniil Syrotchenko Turing3A Nathan Owusu Gandhi3S Azaria Williams Gandhi3S SHAKIR Woolf3D Bruna Calume Eduardo Parks4T Malek Curie4M Ekene Shakespeare4D Hafsat Turing4F Emeka Woolf5Mc Anas Woolf5Mc Shukri Gandhi6B Blessing Shakespeare6P Emmanuel Shakespeare6P Aaliah Shakespeare6P Jude Shakespeare6P Sidra Shakespeare6P Imogen Turing7.1 Raymond Curie7.3 James Henry Gandhi7.5 Larissa Turing8.1 Sinead Turing8.1 Manvydas Shakespeare8.2 Callum Curie8.3 Imaan Curie8.3 Fahim Parks8.4 Francis Andoh Parks8.4 Amber Shakespeare9.2 Alfie Whelan Woolf9.6 Tasbir Michi Gandhi11.5Sacha
Buxton Voices School Food Consultation Thursday 10 th March (all day) Turing3A Nathan Owusu Gandhi3S Azaria Williams Curie4M Ekene Turing4F Emeka Woolf5Mc Anas Woolf5Mc Shukri Woolf7.6 Akira Woolf7.6 Andzy Curie8.3 Isha Woolf8.6 Raya palazova Parks9.4 Hamid Busari Parks9.4 Vialli Shakespeare10.2 AvAis azia Woolf10.6 Jaychelle Smith
Thursday 10 th March – 09.45 to 10.30am Stonewall School Champion to meet Buxton Voices Turing7.1 Raymond Curie7.3 James Henry Curie7.3 Briana Lecky Parks7.4 Aaron Gandhi7.5 Larissa Gandhi7.5 Daniella Turing8.1 Sinead Turing8.1 Manvydas Shakespeare8.2 Callum Curie8.3 Imaan Curie8.3 Fahim Parks8.4 Francis Andoh Parks8.4 Amber Gandhi8.5 Erin Thomas Shakespeare9.2 Nasreen Patel Shakespeare9.2 Alfie Whelan Curie9.3 Nitharshay Sivalingan Woolf9.6 Esha Abu Taiyab Woolf9.6 Tasbir Michi Turing10.1 SAAD Shakespeare10.2 Jessica Parks10.4 Nanthoozan Woolf10.6 Uthman Turing11.1 Hira Shakespeare11.2 Prescilla Shakespeare11.2Andra Curie11.3Tyler Parks11.4Ehasanul Parks11.4 Lawrence Gandhi11.5Sacha
Next Meetings Friday 4th March Secondary Meeting, THASC, 3-4pm (CANCELLED) Friday 11th March Primary Meeting, THASC, 3.30-4.30 pm Friday 18th MarchJoint Primary & Secondary, Secondary Main Hall - After school – 5pm
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