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1 African Fans 3-D construction, paper manipulation Visual Rhythm African Motifs The fan in culture and art.

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Presentation on theme: "1 African Fans 3-D construction, paper manipulation Visual Rhythm African Motifs The fan in culture and art."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 African Fans 3-D construction, paper manipulation Visual Rhythm African Motifs The fan in culture and art

2 See word doc. “african motifs”


4 Ahead of time…per person… Cut 11x17 copier paper in half long ways. (Or try brown to make more “African” ?) Cut 2 handles. Get the African motif handouts sorted and ready

5 Steps 1.Get 2 pieces of 5 ½ x 17 inch paper a thick permanent marker and placemat 2.Glue to make a very long piece of paper. Line up along table edge to make sure it is straight. 3.Put your name at the top (small) 4.Draw a line across the middle.


7 Use only top half of the long paper (the bottom will not show.) Listen to African drum music Create a visual rhythm (pattern) with line Use at least 1 African motif (see Word document – African Motifs)




11 You can use the bottom half to experiment.


13 Trace on the back.


15 Color both sides with visual rhythm (pattern). Use lots of color. Make the front colors go with the back colors






21 Learn how to fan fold from someone who knows how. Practice. Show Mrs. Sturm.


23 Fold your fan.

24 Take to Mrs. Sturm to tape. Write your name and class on both sides of one of the handles. Take to the handle station to get instructions on sticking the handles on. Do NOT cover any of the tape with the handles.

25 Take to the yarn station to get instructions on tying it on. Don’t glue the tie on the handle Do NOT open the fan because the glue is wet. Put it on the drying rack.

26 When it is dry, you can open it and tie it, and embellish it







33 Leave open for grading Effort = did lots of drawing and coloring Neat drawing and coloring Understanding = drew and colored both sides African designs used rhythm (pattern) showed folded and handles attached correctly name and class put on both sides of one handle and name on paper part of the fan

34 Fans are used just about all over the world.

35 Fans are used just about all over the world: to show a person’s honor in the world – to look pretty – in ceremonies – to move air –It was also used as a shield and swimming fins in Japan!

36 ancient Egyptian fans and other items.

37 Japanese folding fans

38 French

39 African feather fan

40 English fan about the Queen’s birthday

41 Chinese

42 sources ctivities.htm

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