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By Kanstantsin Yanchanka ECON 2505 Fall 2015. Intensive green roofExtensive green roof Accessible to people. A lot of maintenance. Before installation.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kanstantsin Yanchanka ECON 2505 Fall 2015. Intensive green roofExtensive green roof Accessible to people. A lot of maintenance. Before installation."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Kanstantsin Yanchanka ECON 2505 Fall 2015

2 Intensive green roofExtensive green roof Accessible to people. A lot of maintenance. Before installation the roof requires structural upgrade to support extra weight. More expensive. Inaccessible to people. Two inspections per year. Less weight. In some cases the roof does not need a structural upgrade. Less expensive.

3 Wind resistive. Heat resistant. Drought tolerant. Deep roots. Only 6 inch tall. Forms a dense carpet. Sedum:

4 1.Stromwater Management. Water is stored in the plants and then returned back to the atmosphere through evaporation. 2. Energy Efficiency. Green roofs reduce the amount of energy needed to moderate the temperature of a building. 3. Better Air Quality. The plants capture airborne pollutants. 4. Reduction of Electromagnetic Radiation. 5. Noise Reduction. Green roofs have excellent noise attenuation, especially for low frequency sounds.

5 1.Expensive to install. 20$ per square foot + structural upgrade of the roof. 2.Sedum is an inadequate plant. Low biodiversity of the roof. Low heat management (absorbs heat instead of reflecting it). o Low energy efficiency.

6 Do the green roofs actually work or do they sound good only on a paper?

7 1.Installation of a green roof raises a value of building. Example: In Boston, an $112,500 investment in an extensive green roof raised the value of a building by $2.4 Million. (J.P. Morgan Asset Management estimated the green roof has improved the value of the property by 2.4 million) 2. New York State passed legislation to provide a one-year tax abatement.

8 Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Extensive Green Roof

9 Year: 2014 Type: Extensive Size: 297,000 sq. ft. Access: Inaccessible System: Xero Flor XF301+1”XT Manufacturer: Xero Flor America Installer: United States Roofing Corporation Key points: 1. Manufactured in U.S.A. 2.Locally Grown (Upstate NY). Supports local economy. 3. Fully grown plants (9-12 months). Plants are adapted to the local environment.

10 LEED Certification Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) is a green building certification program used worldwide. Developed by the non-profit U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). It includes a set of rating systems for the design, construction, and maintenance of green buildings that aims at efficient use of resources. C 2 C Certification Cradle to Cradle (C2C) focuses on using safe materials that can be disassembled and recycled as technical nutrients or composted as biological nutrients. Developed by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.

11 After installation of extensive green roof at Javits Center: 26 percent reduction in the energy use. Extended service life of the roof by shielding it from ultraviolet radiation and temperature extremes. Prevents approximately 6.8 million gallons of runoff water per year. 11 species of birds were spotted on the roof.

12 1.Initial installation is expensive. But there is a support from the government and return on the investment. 2. Reduced energy use by 26%. 3. Biodiversity increases. 4. A lot of environmental benefits. The green roofs do work!


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