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핵융합과 ITER (& 원자력 ) -ULTRA: July 22, 2011 전창훈, 프랑스 ITER 연구원 PhD & Senior Engineer, Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory. Total 23 slides 1.

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Presentation on theme: "핵융합과 ITER (& 원자력 ) -ULTRA: July 22, 2011 전창훈, 프랑스 ITER 연구원 PhD & Senior Engineer, Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory. Total 23 slides 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 핵융합과 ITER (& 원자력 ) -ULTRA: July 22, 2011 전창훈, 프랑스 ITER 연구원 PhD & Senior Engineer, Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory. Total 23 slides 1

2 Part I: 핵융합과 ITER – 밑 빠진 독에 물 붇기인가 ? 고갈 없는 에너지원인가 ? Total 23 slides

3 3 Nuclear Fission vs Nuclear Fusion Fission: Heavy => Light Easy for Chain Reaction Fusion: Light => Heavy Difficult for Chain Reaction

4 4 Fusion Environment: High Temperature & High Pressure. Sun & Stars: Confinement by Their Own Gravity On Earth: Confinement by Electromagnetic Field Strategy: Rotating Particles of Plasma in Torus (Tokamak). To Achieve Nuclear Fusion

5 5 To Start: OH Coils To Keep: TF Coils To Control: PF Coils Electric Coils to Confine Plasma

6 6 Fusion Reaction in Real Machine

7 7 Safe & Green Energy (Short Power lines) High Efficient Energy (450 times input) Resource is almost unlimited. Difficult to Achieve & Maintain Plasma Stability is still not Clear. Expensive to Test and to Build Fusion Energy: Pros & Cons

8 8 8 Toroidal Field Coil Nb 3 Sn, 18, wedged Central Solenoid Nb 3 Sn, 6 modules Poloidal Field Coil Nb-Ti, 6 Vacuum Vessel 9 sectors Port Plug heating/current drive, test blankets limiters/RH diagnostics Cryostat 29 m high x 28 m dia. Blanket 440 modules Torus Cryopumps Fusion Power: 500 MW Divertor 54 cassettes ITER Fusion Machine

9 9 ITER Machine vs Eiffel Tower ITER Machine mass: ~ 30,000 t Budget: 5B Euro Size: D30m x H30m Eiffel Tower mass: ~10,000 t 1M Euro (1889) D141m x H320m 1.07^122=>5B

10 10 ITER originated from the Summit in 1985, Geneva where Gorbachev and Reagan proposed international effort to develop fusion energy. “For the benefit of mankind ”  Dec 1953 UN Assembly General, Eisenhower proposed “Atoms for Peace” Nov2006 Paris : China, Europe, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, USA signed ITER. History of ITER Project

11 11 TRIAM, J World History of Fusion Machines

12 12 Main Technical Issue: Plasma Stability

13 13 The seven parties involved in the ITER construction represent more than 50 % of the world’s population A Project to Build a new Babel Tower!! Heating or Eating // ITER or Eater? ITER: Real International Project

14 14 ITER is the first project to build a concrete machine by collaborating superpower countries. ITER is the spearhead for world energy & technology development. Korea can achieve a lot of new technology & be involved in global leadership. Summary of ITER Project

15 Part II: Nuclear Energy - Before Fukushima - After Fukushima

16 16 General Issues on Nuclear Energy Calder Hall:1956 August – 2003 March Three Mile Island: 1979 March Chernobyl: 1986 April Fukushima: 2011 March “Very Safe Energy” => Three Big Accidents (Two Disasters) in Half Century “No other Choice!” => “Too lazy to find another solution!”

17 After Fukushima, racing for energy will be changed! Germany declared to close down Nuclear Plant (by 2022). & Japan will follow Germany => Renewable energy. France & Korea will not give up Nuclear energy. Competition: Renewable energy versus Nuclear energy. We have to study Germany & France. (US will go with Petrol.) 17 Before Fukushima, After Fukushima

18 Nuclear Generation:76% v22% (Korea < 40%) Carbon:5%v44% Petroleum:6%v22% Hydraulic:11%v4% (Korea < 1%) Wind:1.4%v6.3% Solar:0.03%v1% (CO2 per kWh)90gv600g 18 Electricity(2009): France versus Germany Le Point 24March2011, p113

19 No Serious Accidents in France. Almost 80% electricity made by Nuclear Plant. => Consuming pattern & Export. Export electricity neighboring countries. (EDF in UK: The largest E company in the UK) Reduce pollution in downtown (by Tram) Support by people (after WW-II by now) Bright streets: Stimulate Tour business, Discourage crime, Night activity => Social. 19 Nuclear Generation & Safety in France

20 ASN (Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire): (English version avail.) Managed by 5 commissioners: (Photo) - 5: 3 by President, 1 by NA & 1 by Sénat - 6 year’s one term (no extension) - Immunity privilege like judges Experts: Engineers, Medical doctors, pharmacist, lawyers… Supported by IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire) (English v.) 20 Nuclear Safety in France –ASN IRSN ITER ASN

21 Safety for Nuclear: More transparency with better structure. We have to study France & Germany in same time - for new energy procurement. US will continue with Petroleum - We should avoid this policy. (More tax collecting can mislead the direction) Energy problem can be solved by policy, culture & ethics. - Only by money (penalty or tax) will not work. - Using small car (Forcing not coming out with a big car / day) Energy is not only industry, but defense of sovereignty. 21 Summary

22 천재에 인재까지 덮쳐 유명을 달리하신 후꾸시마 희생자 분들에게 삼가 조의를 표합니다. 22 살아 있는 저희들이 더 나은 과학, 더 좋은 기술을 위해 열심히 노력하겠습니다. ULTRA at EKC-2011, Paris Condolence: Fukushima 2011 March

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