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Development of “College Path” Cut Scores for the Virginia Assessment Program Shelley Loving-Ryder Assistant Superintendent for Student Assessment and School.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of “College Path” Cut Scores for the Virginia Assessment Program Shelley Loving-Ryder Assistant Superintendent for Student Assessment and School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of “College Path” Cut Scores for the Virginia Assessment Program Shelley Loving-Ryder Assistant Superintendent for Student Assessment and School Improvement June 21, 2013

2 Development of “Advanced/College Path” Achievement Levels Developed for Algebra II, end-of-course reading, and end-of-course writing testsDeveloped for Algebra II, end-of-course reading, and end-of-course writing tests Replaces the “advanced” achievement level for these testsReplaces the “advanced” achievement level for these tests The “proficient” achievement level will still allow students to meet graduation requirementsThe “proficient” achievement level will still allow students to meet graduation requirements

3 Identification of Content For Tests: Survey of College Faculty Conducted survey with higher education faculty to determine to what extent the content standards are associated with success in introductory credit-bearing classesConducted survey with higher education faculty to determine to what extent the content standards are associated with success in introductory credit-bearing classes Algebra II – introductory mathematics classesAlgebra II – introductory mathematics classes Reading and Writing content standards— introductory classes with substantial reading and writing loadsReading and Writing content standards— introductory classes with substantial reading and writing loads

4 Identification of Content: Survey of College Faculty Asked to rate content standards in Algebra II, reading and writing as to whether the content was “essential,” “important,” “relevant,” or “not required” as prerequisites for success in introductory credit-bearing classesAsked to rate content standards in Algebra II, reading and writing as to whether the content was “essential,” “important,” “relevant,” or “not required” as prerequisites for success in introductory credit-bearing classes Success defined as a “C” or better in the classSuccess defined as a “C” or better in the class

5 Development of Tests to Support “College Path” Score Algebra II, EOC Reading and Writing SOL tests developed to include:Algebra II, EOC Reading and Writing SOL tests developed to include: Sufficient items measuring content identified by surveySufficient items measuring content identified by survey Items of appropriate difficultyItems of appropriate difficulty

6 Development of Performance Level DescriptorsDevelopment of Performance Level Descriptors First step in establishing “college path” cut score is development of “performance level descriptors” that described what is expectedFirst step in establishing “college path” cut score is development of “performance level descriptors” that described what is expected Committees of high school educators used results of survey as well as own expertise to develop descriptors of what the “college path” student should know and be able to doCommittees of high school educators used results of survey as well as own expertise to develop descriptors of what the “college path” student should know and be able to do

7 Standard Setting Committees of educators convened to review the Algebra II, EOC Reading and EOC Writing tests and recommend “cut scores” for “proficient” and “college path.”Committees of educators convened to review the Algebra II, EOC Reading and EOC Writing tests and recommend “cut scores” for “proficient” and “college path.” Committee included high school educators and representatives from two-year and four- year institutions of higher educationCommittee included high school educators and representatives from two-year and four- year institutions of higher education

8 Standard Setting Performance Level Descriptors were used to ensure that committee members have a common understanding of what is expected for students to be considered “proficient” or “advanced/college path.”Performance Level Descriptors were used to ensure that committee members have a common understanding of what is expected for students to be considered “proficient” or “advanced/college path.”

9 Standard Setting Committee members reviewed each test item and determined whether, as defined by the performance level descriptors, a “proficient” student should answer it correctly and whether an “advanced/college path” student should answer it correctly.Committee members reviewed each test item and determined whether, as defined by the performance level descriptors, a “proficient” student should answer it correctly and whether an “advanced/college path” student should answer it correctly.

10 Definition of “College Path” for Algebra II A student obtaining an “advanced/college path” score on the Algebra II test should have the necessary knowledge and skills for enrollment, without remediation, in an introductory credit- bearing college mathematics course with Algebra II as the highest prerequisite. Students who achieve an “advanced/college path” score during their high school careers are expected to take additional mathematics courses beyond Algebra II as they continue to prepare for college. A student obtaining an “advanced/college path” score on the Algebra II test should have the necessary knowledge and skills for enrollment, without remediation, in an introductory credit- bearing college mathematics course with Algebra II as the highest prerequisite. Students who achieve an “advanced/college path” score during their high school careers are expected to take additional mathematics courses beyond Algebra II as they continue to prepare for college.

11 Definition of “College Path” for EOC Reading A student obtaining an “advanced/college path” score should have the necessary knowledge and skills for enrollment, without remediation, in an introductory credit-bearing college course with a substantial reading load, assuming that the student continues to demonstrate a comparable level of achievement in subsequent high school English courses.. A student obtaining an “advanced/college path” score should have the necessary knowledge and skills for enrollment, without remediation, in an introductory credit-bearing college course with a substantial reading load, assuming that the student continues to demonstrate a comparable level of achievement in subsequent high school English courses..

12 Definition of “College Path” for EOC Writing A student obtaining an “advanced/college path” score should have the necessary knowledge and skills for entry into an introductory credit- bearing college course with a substantial writing requirement, without prior enrollment in a remedial writing class. Such students are expected to further develop the necessary knowledge and skills in subsequent high school English courses. A student obtaining an “advanced/college path” score should have the necessary knowledge and skills for entry into an introductory credit- bearing college course with a substantial writing requirement, without prior enrollment in a remedial writing class. Such students are expected to further develop the necessary knowledge and skills in subsequent high school English courses.

13 Reporting Score reports for Algebra II, EOC Reading and EOC writing will report the student’s achievement level as “ fails,” “proficient,” or “advanced/college path.”Score reports for Algebra II, EOC Reading and EOC writing will report the student’s achievement level as “ fails,” “proficient,” or “advanced/college path.”

14 Next Steps for “College Path” Achievement Level Evaluate success of students taking new Algebra II, EOC reading and EOC writing tests in college to validate “advanced/college path” achievement levelEvaluate success of students taking new Algebra II, EOC reading and EOC writing tests in college to validate “advanced/college path” achievement level

15 Questions?Questions? Contact Information: OR (804) 225-2102

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