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Flash Remoting From CF Using ColdFusion MX and Flash MX to create an efficient and user friendly interface.

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Presentation on theme: "Flash Remoting From CF Using ColdFusion MX and Flash MX to create an efficient and user friendly interface."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flash Remoting From CF Using ColdFusion MX and Flash MX to create an efficient and user friendly interface.

2 Rich User Interface Demonstrating the development of a small Flash MX application that uses CFMX back-end to pull information from a Database

3 What we will be using. ColdFusion Compontents Flash Remoting ActionScript

4 Software Review and Setup ColdFusion MX Server Flash MX Flash Remoting Components Test Flash Remoting Gateway

5 Example Application 1. Set up Data Base 2. Program ColdFusion Component 3. Test Flash Remoting Gateway 4. Add Flash Components and Functions

6 CF Component Select distinct division from members Order by division

7 Initialize Flash Gateway #include "" #include "" #include "" ftnInit = function () { if (this.inited != undefined) { return; } else { this.inited = true; NetServices.setDefaultGatewayUrl("http://localhost:8500/flashservices/gateway/"); gatewayConnnection = NetServices.createGatewayConnection(); fooMember = gatewayConnnection.getService("member.memberlist", this); dataForServer = new Object(); trace("Gateway Initialized"); } }; ftnInit();

8 Add Flash Component (pullDownMenu) Add Flash Component (combo box) Name it “pullDownMenu” Add function ftnGetDivision = function(){ fooMember.GetDivision(); trace("GetDivision Ran"); this.onResult = function(dataFromServer){ var itemToAdd = {division: "Select Division"}; dataFromServer.addItemAt(0, itemToAdd); DataGlue.BindFormatStrings(pullDownMenu, dataFromServer, "#division#", "#division#"); }; Result set is added to pullDownMenu

9 Add ListBox ftnGetGroup = function(){ var fooValue = pullDownMenu.getValue(); fooMember.GetGroup(fooValue); trace("Got a Member" + fooValue); this.onResult = function(dataFromServer){ trace("yes"); trace(dataFromServer.getLength()); DataGlue.BindFormatStrings(menuGroup, dataFromServer, "#LastName#, #FirstName#", "#id#");}; };

10 Add Text Boxes Add Label Text Add Dynamic Text Box Assign Variable Name Assign as Input Text Align and Format

11 Function to populate TextBox ftnGetIndividual = function(){ trace(menuGroup.getSelectedIndex()); trace(_global.myRecord.getColumnNames()); var fooIndex = menuGroup.getSelectedIndex(); _root.txtFirstName = _global.myRecord.items[fooIndex].FirstName; _root.txtLastName = _global.myRecord.items[fooIndex].LastName; _root.txtDivision = _global.myRecord.items[fooIndex].Division; _root.txtEmail = _global.myRecord.items[fooIndex].Email; } ftnClearAll = function(){ _root.txtFirstName = ""; _root.txtLastName = ""; _root.txtDivision = ""; _root.txtEmail = ""; }

12 Application Examples Questions

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