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Organized by GEIA China Working Group Presented by Qiang Zhang, Tsinghua University The 17 th GEIA Conference, Nov. 18-20, Beijing, China Objectives: Understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Organized by GEIA China Working Group Presented by Qiang Zhang, Tsinghua University The 17 th GEIA Conference, Nov. 18-20, Beijing, China Objectives: Understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organized by GEIA China Working Group Presented by Qiang Zhang, Tsinghua University The 17 th GEIA Conference, Nov. 18-20, Beijing, China Objectives: Understand and narrow the uncertainties in East Asia inventory Bridge gaps among different bottom-up/top-down inventories Approach Inter-comparison of current inventories in East Asia Development of new emission inventory models Observation-based constraints on emissions Evaluation and uncertainty analysis of different approaches Schedule : 2013-2016 East Asia Emissions Assessment (EA2)

2 Inter-comparison of power plant emissions over China Liu et al., ACP, 2015

3 Development of Unit-based power plant emission inventory Liu et al., ACP, 2015

4 High-resolution NH 3 emission inventory from fertilizer use Fu et al., ACP, 2015

5 Evaluation of speciated VOC emissions using in-situ observations Wang, Shao et al., ACP, 2014

6 Fang et al., ACPD, 2015 Evaluation of speciated VOC emissions using in-situ observations

7 Speciated VOC emissions are very sensitive to source profiles! Li et al., ACP, 2014

8 Representation of city emissions in global and regional inventories Liu et al., ACPD, 2015

9 Advantages of city-level emission inventory Zhao et al., ACP, 2015

10 See EA2 special issue in ACP for more details

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