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Blake’s German Heritage By:Blake Hartford December 2007.

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2 Blake’s German Heritage By:Blake Hartford December 2007

3 My Crazy Ancestors. My ancestors came to America through the port of Ellis Island,New York My great uncle used to wake up screaming from the things he had seen during World War 2.

4 Rides To Germany Most people go to Germany by plane but people in Europe and Asia can reach by car.

5 Germany’s Amazing History Climate: summers are hot with very warm winds.In the winter the temperature is around –4 degrees.It rains about 22.5 inches every year.

6 How German’s Speak Around the house they speak German but it is law to know a little English.

7 A Holiday In Germany The October Fest is a 16 day festival held in Bavaria,Germany.During the festival people eat lots of food and beer is brewed.

8 Famous Places In Germany Did you know That the Berlin Wall separated east and west Germany?! Well about 125 people were killed trying to cross from the east to the west side.

9 Treats To eat or drink in Germany In Germany they eat things like sauerkraut,rolatin,saue rbraten,and to drink beer.

10 Map of Germany

11 Credits This presentation is brought to you from the amazing: Blake Hartford

12 Resources All Grandparents, Mom, and Dad. Thank You And Good day

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