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Color, Form, Depth and Movement

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Presentation on theme: "Color, Form, Depth and Movement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Color, Form, Depth and Movement
Chapter 4

2 Visual Elements What you see is a product of They are…

3 The Dot The Dot TV, computer monitors (RGB)
2 dots on a page (by themselves) causes tension

4 The Line “The dot that went for a walk.” Conveys mood: curved =
straight = thick = thin =

5 The Shape Shape 3 Shapes: Triangle

6 The Shape Parallelogram Square: Rectangle:

7 The Shape Circle

8 Can You See? Can you see any of these shapes in the following advertisements?

9 Can You See?

10 Can You See?

11 Can You See?

12 Can You See?

13 Can You See?

14 Can You See?

15 The Background Picture Plane

16 Figure-Ground Relationship

17 Figure-Ground Relationship

18 Figure-Ground Relationship

19 Figure-Ground Relationship

20 Composition and Volume

21 Spatiality Spatiality

22 Spatiality

23 Balance Arrangement of objects Axial

24 Balance

25 Balance Asymmetrical

26 Balance

27 Implied Depth Depth

28 Implied Depth 2.

29 Implied Depth 3.

30 Implied Depth 4.

31 Visual Depth Cues Additional factors that show depth

32 Visual Depth Cues Space

33 Visual Depth Cues Size

34 Visual Depth Cues

35 Visual Depth Cues Scale

36 Visual Depth Cues Proportion

37 Visual Depth Cues Color color spectrum:

38 Visual Depth Cues

39 Visual Depth Cues

40 Visual Depth Cues Primary Colors

41 Visual Depth Cues Hue Value (Saturation) Brightness

42 Visual Depth Cues Warm Colors

43 Visual Depth Cues

44 Visual Depth Cues Cool Colors

45 Visual Depth Cues

46 Visual Depth Cues

47 Visual Depth Cues Contextual Relationship
What’s so special about the green M&Ms?

48 Visual Depth Cues Lighting

49 Visual Depth Cues a. Flat Lighting

50 Visual Depth Cues b. Chiaroscuro Lighting

51 Visual Depth Cues c. Side or Above Lighting

52 Visual Depth Cues d. Front or Back Lighting

53 Visual Depth Cues e. Attached Lighting

54 Visual Depth Cues f. Cast Lighting

55 Visual Depth Cues Textual Gradients

56 Visual Depth Cues Interposition

57 Visual Depth Cues Time

58 Visual Depth Cues Perspective

59 Visual Depth Cues a. Vanishing Point

60 Visual Depth Cues b. Horizon Line

61 Visual Depth Cues c. One-Point Perspective

62 Visual Depth Cues

63 Visual Depth Cues d. Two-Point Perspective

64 Visual Depth Cues

65 Visual Depth Cues e. Atmospheric Perspective

66 Visual Depth Cues f. Isometric Perspective

67 Movement Moving eyes in certain directions within composition

68 Movement 4 Types of Movement a. Real b. Apparent

69 Movement c. Graphic

70 Movement d. Implied

71 Next… Perceptual Theories of Visual Communication (begin) – chapter 5 EXAM #1 chapters 1, 4, 7, 17, and material on communication & persuasion

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