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Piety and Prayer. I. Piety and Prayer A. Loyalty - constant devotion, faithfulness 1. God is loyal and true to His people. 2. God is always there when.

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Presentation on theme: "Piety and Prayer. I. Piety and Prayer A. Loyalty - constant devotion, faithfulness 1. God is loyal and true to His people. 2. God is always there when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Piety and Prayer

2 I. Piety and Prayer A. Loyalty - constant devotion, faithfulness 1. God is loyal and true to His people. 2. God is always there when we need Him to listen. 3. God will not betray us, He protects us always.

3 B. Joseph: Old Testament 1. The eleventh of Jacob's twelve sons. 2. He never doubted God’s love, even though he had many misfortunes. -exs. a. being sold into slavery b. thrown into jail and treated unfairly b. thrown into jail and treated unfairly

4 3. Joseph brought joy to his father and reconciliation to his family. 4. Joseph’s only concern was how to serve God. *example of piety *example of piety

5 C. Joseph: New Testament

6 1. Jesus’ foster father and Mary’s husband.

7 2. Contains similar qualities as Joseph, Old Testament. a. faced some extremely difficult decisions b. obeyed God c. stood by Mary

8 D. Joseph: Old and New Testament

9 1. Always tried to learn God’s will 2. Think of God as their caring father 3. Always turned their hearts to God

10 E. Challenges

11 1. Can keep us from God. -ex. distractions when we pray

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