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Side Job Duties Be prepared to write the information on the handout provided.

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Presentation on theme: "Side Job Duties Be prepared to write the information on the handout provided."— Presentation transcript:

1 Side Job Duties Be prepared to write the information on the handout provided

2 Sanitation Buckets LOCATION: Buckets- on top shelf of drying rack; Sanitizer- Underneath drying area by the sanitizer sink; testing strips- above hand sink near dish washing area; Towels- laundry basket in mop/laundry room Description: Get a bucket and put 2 squirts of sanitizer in the bucket. Add cold water to second line and check ppm with testing strip ( no more than 400). Fill out the clipboard and initial. Dump out and wash the buckets at the end of the period. The towels will go in the grey garbage can in the mop/laundry room.

3 Extra Dishes Location: Dish washing area Description: The student will be washing any dirty dishes that the teacher assigns. This means dirty dishes on the supply table or drying rack. Whatever the teacher requests, the student will do.

4 Clean Supply Table Location: Middle of our kitchen Description: The student will put away items that are used for the lab from the supply table (refrigerator, dry storage, cage). They will also wipe down the table, and sweep under the table.

5 Wipe Down Fridge/ Freezer Location: Across from our kitchen’s doors Description: The student will use a sanitation towel and wipe down both the outside and inside of the fridge and freezer.

6 Empty Trash Location: Dumpster to the right of our kitchen door; bottom shelf in the cafeteria Description: The student will take the garbage out to the dumpster and replace with a new trash bag.

7 Check/ Restock Location: Dry Storage or laundry/ mop room Description: Students will check and restock the following items- hairnets, gloves, hand sink towels, aprons, and hand soap.

8 Sweep Location: Mop/ laundry room Description: The student will sweep up the entire kitchen at the end of the lab. Make sure to sweep UNDER the STATIONS!!!!! Food= pest!!!!

9 Mopping Location: Managers office and mop/ laundry room Description: Students will ask the manager for a #5 solution and prepare the mop bucket in the laundry/ mop room. Fill the bucket half way with hot water, and then add the solution. Mop the room and under the stations in the circle 8 motion. Dump the mop bucket outside in the drain.

10 Hand washing sinks Location: Kitchen and Cafeteria Description: Wipe down ALL sinks in the cafeteria and our kitchen with sanitizer and a towel. Double check to make sure all towels/ soap is properly stocked. Make sure there is no hand towel scraps on the floor.

11 Check ALL side work Location: Kitchen and Cafeteria Description: Make sure all the job duties have been completed. If not, this student will fix the job and report back to the teacher. Points will be deducted accordingly.

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