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Non-Fiction The Real Thing!. Fiction is “fake” Several genres of fiction: Short stories Poetry Folk literature Dramatic literature Novels/novellas.

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Presentation on theme: "Non-Fiction The Real Thing!. Fiction is “fake” Several genres of fiction: Short stories Poetry Folk literature Dramatic literature Novels/novellas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-Fiction The Real Thing!

2 Fiction is “fake” Several genres of fiction: Short stories Poetry Folk literature Dramatic literature Novels/novellas

3 Nonfiction is real Nonfiction is prose writing that presents and explains ideas or that tells about real people and events. – Prose simply means the ordinary form of written language—in other words, not poetry, song, or drama. Nonfiction is based primarily on facts.

4 There are five main purposes of nonfiction: Entertain Inform Reflect Describe Persuade

5 Forms of Nonfiction

6 Autobiography: A story of a person’s life written by that person.

7 Autobiography – Auto – bio - graphy – Root word Auto means same or self – Root word bi- or bio- [from Greek bios way of life] Life, living organisms – Root word graphos — Written. Nonfiction Writer tells his own story Could be whole life or a part of it Purpose could be to explain values, teach lessons, entertain or amuse, or any combination

8 Biography: A story of a person’s life written by a different person.

9 Biography – Bio - graphy – Root word bi- or bio- [from Greek bios way of life] Life, living organisms – Root word graphos — Written. Nonfiction Tells life story of another person Could be historical or contemporary person. Famous or unknown Often emphasizes the cause and effects of subject’s actions

10 Essays are short nonfiction works about a particular subject. They can be: Narrative, to tell a true story Expository, to give information, discuss ideas, or explain a process Persuasive, to try to convince the reader to do something or accept the writer’s point of view Reflective, to show the writer’s reflections or thoughts on a topic of personal importance.

11 Essays can also be: Descriptive, showing how something looks, feels, tastes, smells or sounds Visual, combining text with photographs, art, illustrations, charts or diagrams to communicate ideas or a message

12 Informational texts provide knowledge to guide and inform the reader. They are written in objective language using elaboration and support to clarify main ideas. Newspapers Magazines Web sites Instruction manuals Textbooks How-to books

13 Speeches A speech is a talk or an address presented to an audience. Types of speeches – Persuasive: A persuasive speech has one purpose, to convince listeners to accept a particular point of view, or move them to action. – Informative: Speeches to inform are intended to share new ideas and build perceptions.

14 Speeches Continued Types of speeches continued – Extemporaneous - Ex - Temporeaneous Root word Ex - out/away from, Root word tempore - time. This type of speech allows for a very limited amount of preparation and performance without a text.

15 Fiction or Nonfiction?











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