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Platform & Engineering Services CERN IT Department CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland t PES Migration of the ITCM workflow from Remedy to Service-Now.

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Presentation on theme: "Platform & Engineering Services CERN IT Department CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland t PES Migration of the ITCM workflow from Remedy to Service-Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 Platform & Engineering Services CERN IT Department CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland t PES Migration of the ITCM workflow from Remedy to Service-Now VOC Working Group meeting 31-Jan-2013 Alex Lossent – IT/PES

2 CERN IT Department CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland t PES In a nutshell When the Sysadmins need to contact you in case of a problem/alarm on your machines they will do it via the Service-Now ticket system instead of Remedy –Starting from February 18 th 2013 We do not expect this to significantly affect VOBox operations –Just reply to emails from the sysadmins as before Details: change/migration-itcm-wrokflow-remedy- service-now/18-02-2013 change/migration-itcm-wrokflow-remedy- service-now/18-02-2013 2

3 CERN IT Department CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland t PES What else changes? Opening a ticket to the Sysadmins –Do not use Remedy anymore! Not sure how frequently this was used by VOCs? –A new ITCM (IT Call Management) form exists in Service-Now Demo: https://cerntest.service-now.com ITIL role needed in Service-Now –Alternative: create request against Sysadmin FE in Browsing ticket history for a given VOBox –Old tickets: search in Remedy –New tickets (after 18/2): search in SNow ITIL role needed in Service-Now 3

4 CERN IT Department CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland t PES What else changes? There will be a change of behaviour for the "ITCM CC Email field" visible in CDBDump SysAdmins use these emails to contact the persons responsible for the machine (in case of problem/alarm with a VOBox) –primary "contact address", usually vobox-admins-XXX –(optionally) a list of additional email addresses can be specified in CDB ("/system/cluster/itcmccemail") so that these additional persons are also contacted by the Sysadmins in case of problem. 4

5 CERN IT Department CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland t PES What exactly changes: In the current Remedy workflow, there is a slight difference between the primary contact address and itcmccemail: –when a Sysadmin has a procedure for a given problem AND can successfully apply the procedure without interacting with the persons responsible for the machine AND the procedure does not say to notify anyone, –then nothing is sent to the primary contact address (vobox- admins-XXXX) but the itcmccemail email addresses still receive a copy of the Sysadmin's work log (i.e. what the Sysadmin did) In the new Service-Now workflow, the primary contact address and itcmccemail will behave exactly the same: –nothing is sent to either of them when a Sysadmin follows a procedure to resolve a problem without interacting with the persons responsible for the machine, –both are contacted whenever the Sysadmin needs to contact the persons responsible for the machine. 5

6 CERN IT Department CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland t PES Effect on VOBoxes This makes a difference only when the Sysadmins have actually been given procedures that describe how to resolve certain recurring problems E.g. reboot VM after a crash – –Current procedure does not say to notify contact address –But itcmccemail was being notified (will not be anymore) Only a handful of procedures exist for VOBoxes –The other procedures do say to notify the relevant persons Conclusion: –With the exception of VM reboot, there does seem to be any other situation where the change would make any actual difference for VOBoxes –Do we want to change the “reboot VM” procedure to notify contact addresses when this happens? 6

7 CERN IT Department CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland t PES Extra material Training session: 05/02/2013 Tuesday afternoon from 14:00 to 14:30. Room: 28-S-029 Requesting ITIL access: Via, which will validate and forward to Service-Now 7

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