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by: matt Blaney I picked food as my number 1 thing because then I won’t go hungry. When Brian crashed he had no food and he had to hunt for food but.

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2 by: matt Blaney

3 I picked food as my number 1 thing because then I won’t go hungry. When Brian crashed he had no food and he had to hunt for food but I won’t go hungry.

4 Number 2 is a first aid kit. I picked a first aid kit because I could heal cuts. Like when brian got hurt by the porcupine. He could not do anything about it.

5 3.Emergency transmitter Three is a emergency transmitter so I can contact someone. Brian is stranded and can’t contact anyone. I will be able to. Then someone will come and try to find me.

6 4. A map Four is a map because I can find where I am. Briam is lost and can’t find where he is because when the pilot had a heart attack he move the steering wheel and went of course. I would know where I am. Where am I

7 5. matches Five is matches because if I have matches I can make a fire fast. When Brian didn’t have a fire he was cold and the bugs attacked him. I would not have that problem.

8 6.clothes Six is clothes because I would not like to be wearing dirty clothes everyday. Brian has been wearing the same clothes the whole book.

9 7.Net Seven is the net because when I run out of food I can catch fish or meat from a fool bird. Brian has no food and still has to hunt for food.

10 8.Axe or Hatchet Eight is an axe or hatchet because then I would have a helpful tool with me so I can cut meat if I needed to. Start a fire if I ran out of matches and guard my stuff and me.

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